Worklist Transactions

Transactions may undergo an approval process before being applied to the database. A transaction typically passes through a chain of approvers, and remains in pending status until the final approver approves it. You can access all your transactions in the Worklist.

Pending Transactions

In your worklist, you can see transactions having these statuses:

  • Initiated by you

  • Approved but pending because one or more approvers in the approval chain haven't approved yet

  • Returned to the previous approver

  • Reviewed by you as a notification recipient

This list also includes transactions routed to any approval groups that you belong to, even though you may not have approved the transactions. You can edit a pending transaction and do the same actions as those available in your worklist or notification summary. You can approve, reject, or return a transaction to the previous approver. You can also withdraw a transaction after initiating it. For example, you may want to withdraw a new hire transaction after initiating it, because of budget constraints.

Other Transactions

You can view transactions that you saved for later, and those that aren't pending with you anymore, such as your approved and rejected transactions. You can suspend transactions that you have initiated or approved. A suspended transaction remains inactive until you resume the transaction. However, the suspend and resume actions are only available to users having the role BPMWorkflowSuspend.