Create a Time Definition and Assign It to Elements

You can use element allocation to break down results into more granular time periods, for example, lunar into weekly values.

Time definitions define the period basis. You need to associate a time definition to the element using Frequency. The proration formula captures allocation rules for the element. Based on the time definition and proration rules, the payroll calculation breaks down the earnings.

Create a Time Definition

  1. Got to Payroll and select Time Definition > Create Time Definition.
  2. Select the legislative data group.
  3. Select a type of Static time Definition.
  4. Enter a name.
  5. Select the period basis, for example, Weekly.
  6. Enter a number in the Number of Years field.

    The application generates time periods for the number of years as of the first period start date.

  7. In the First Period Start Date field, enter the date.
  8. In the Usages field, select Element Allocation.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Click Generate Time Periods in the Allocation Periods for the application to create time periods.
  11. Click Submit.

Assign the Time Definition to Element

You must associate the time definition with the element. Additionally, a further attribute of the Element Type Time_Definition_Type needs to hold the single character value S.
Note: Currently, you can't do this using the application's user interface. Use the HCM Data Loader to do this.

Here's a sample HCM Data Loader file:


In the example:

  • The name of the Earnings element to be updated is DOC_Earnings
  • The name of the LDG holding the Earnings and Time definition is ZHRX-UK-Recognition
  • The ID of the Time Definition is 300100181787813. You can get this ID from this SQL:
        ptd.definition_name, ptd.time_definition_id time_definition_id, 'S' TimeDefinitionType 
        pay_time_definitions             ptd,
        per_legislative_data_groups_tl  ldg
        ptd.definition_name = 'DOC_Time_Definition'
        AND ldg.legislative_data_group_id = ptd.legislative_data_group_id
        and = 'ZHRX-UK-Recognition'
        and ldg.language = 'US';

You can check whether the process populates the time definition in the Frequency field on the Element Summary page in Element Details.

You must assign balance dimensions to balances by linking _REL_BD_TDPTD to the balances that the element allocation enabled fields feed.