Default Associations for Pensions Automatic Enrolment Card

If you've specified a tax reporting unit (TRU) in the Payroll Details section on the Hire an Employee: Employment Information page, the new hire process creates an association between the Pensions Automatic Enrolment component and the specified TRU.

Note: The new hire process doesn't create association details linking specific terms or assignments to the Pensions Automatic Enrolment component. By default, all earnings for all terms or assignments for the payroll relationship are considered during the Pensions Automatic Enrolment assessment.

You can also create association details manually by creating additional Pensions Automatic Enrolment components and associate specific earnings groups, as required.

If you add Pensions Automatic Enrolment components to an existing Pensions Automatic Enrolment card, you must associate the component with a TRU. You must also create association details for both the new and the original Pensions Automatic Enrolment components, linking each with the appropriate terms or assignments.

If you don't specify a TRU during the new hire process, consider these points:

  • If your organization has only one TRU, you don't need to create a TRU association on the card manually. The Pensions Automatic Enrolment assessment process obtains the necessary default values from the PSU-level Pensions Automatic Enrolment card or, if it exists, the TRU-level card.

  • If your organization has multiple TRUs, you must associate a TRU to the Pensions Automatic Enrolment component manually.