Enable Automatic, Multiple, or Additional Element Entries

You can select options for an element to define how you can update its element entries.

The options include:

  • Automatic entry

  • Allow multiple entries in same period

  • Additional entry

Automatic Entry

When you create an element, you can select Yes for the question: Should every person eligible for the element automatically receive it? This setting selects the Automatic entry option by default for all eligibility records you create for that element.

The Tax and NI, Court Orders and Student Loans, and the Pensions Automatic Enrolment element are predefined to trigger the relevant calculations. You must create the element eligibility for these elements. This is a one-time activity.

However, you can override the selection for any specific eligibility record before you save it. When you select this option, saving the eligibility record initiates a payroll flow to create element entries for all eligible workers. To monitor this flow:

  • You can view the progress of the process in the Automatic Entry Status field. If the status shows that an error occurred, you can save the eligibility record again to resubmit the flow.

  • If you have access to payroll work areas, you can also monitor the progress of the Generate Automatic Element Entries flow on the Processes and Reports tab.

Any updates to the employment records of eligible workers, including hires and terminations, automatically update, create, or end the element entries, as appropriate.


If you select the Automatic entry option, you can't also select Allow multiple entries in same period.

Allow Multiple Entries in Same Period

This option enables you to give a person more than one entry of the element in the same pay period. For example, if you enter overtime hours on a weekly basis for a person paid monthly, you might need to enter five entries on an overtime element in each period.

If you're creating a net-to-gross element, you must select Allow multiple entries in same period.


An element with the Automatic entry option selected can't allow multiple entries in the same period.

Additional Entry

This option enables you to add an occasional one-time entry for recurring elements. This additional entry can override or add to the normal entry amount.