Generate Payslips

The Generate Payslips process is run once each payroll period and it generates the payslip XMLs based on the payroll archive and prepayments data. The application creates the payslip PDFs and stores them in the Document of Records for future reference and retrieval.

Before you generate the payslips, you must ensure successful completion of these post-payroll processes:

  • Archive Periodic Payroll Results

    When you run the Archive Periodic Payroll Results process, use a Process Configuration Group parameter to set the precision value of rates on the payslip.

  • Generate Check Payments or Direct Deposits process is completed successfully.

Information such as Employee Details, Payroll Information, Earnings, and Payment Methods are displayed in the payslip, as read-only.

Report Parameters

The report parameter values determine which records to include in the report. Most parameters are self-explanatory, while the following have special meaning in the context of this report.

Process Start Date

The report excludes payslips with a payment date that’s earlier than the date specified

Process End Date

The report excludes payslips with a payment date that’s later than the date specified.


The name of the payroll you use to run this report.

Payroll Relationship Group

Use this field to generate payslips for persons belonging to a specific payroll relationship group. You can specify a value only if you have a predefined payroll relationship group.


Use the Object Groups task to define a Payroll Relationship Group, before you can use it here.

Process Configuration Group

Use this field to run the report for a specific process configuration group, instead of the default one. A process configuration group is used to set rules for payroll processes, such as setting the payslip rate precision value. You can select a value only if you have a predefined process configuration group.


Use the Payroll Process Configuration task to define a Process Configuration Group, before you can use it here.

Overriding Payslip Availability Date

For expedited payments, the employees don't have to wait for their payslips until the next regular payroll cycle. To process expedited payments, enter a date earlier than the regular payslip availability date that's defined in the standard payroll calendar.

Report Results

The generated payslip includes these sections:

  • Employee and Employer Details

  • Payroll Details

  • Summary of Payments

  • Net Pay Distribution

  • Earnings

  • Taxable Benefits

  • Tax Deductions

  • Other Deductions

The Rate section of the payslip displays Days X Rate and Units X Rate elements for all rate-based elements. The Quantity column displays the number of units and the Type column displays the unit of measurement for the quantity. The unit of measurement can be hours, days, or number of units.