HMRC Data Retrieval Process

You can retrieve employee data from the HMRC Data Provisioning Service (DPS) in XML format. The process retrieves the XML messages, validates, and reports the inbound data. Once retrieved, you can upload the data to the calculation cards and employee records.

Use this flow patterns to retrieve the XML messages and load the data to update employee records:

  • HMRC Data Retrieval Process:

    • Establishes connection with HMRC service and verifies credentials. A security token is received which is valid for 4 hours during which communication can be made without having to establish a new connection

    • Sends a request for any new data available for download on DPS

    • Receives XML data and stores it in UCM, ready to be processed by the Load HMRC XML File process

  • Load HMRC XML File Process to load the records fetched from HMRC by the retrieval process

You can retrieve these types of incoming XML messages:

  • P6 or P6B: Notice of an employee's tax code or notice of an employee's tax code following the Budget.

  • P9: Bulk or daily issue, Notice of an employee's tax code for the new tax year.

  • NINO Verification Request Process (NVREP (RTI)): Validated national insurance numbers (NINO) received from HMRC

  • Student Loan Start Notice (SL1)

  • Student Loan Stop Notice (SL2)

  • Postgraduate Loan Start Notice (PGL1)

  • Postgraduate Loan Stop Notice (PGL2)

Before you start using the process for incoming retrieval, you must set up the tax reporting unit (TRU) related information. In Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information page, set these attributes for UK TRU RTI Information:

  • Employee RTI credentials:

    • Sender ID

    • Hidden Authentication Value


      Previously called authentication value, this supports strings that are up to 128 characters long, and encrypted (by default) when the field is updated

  • For each supporting process, set the GOT number (high watermark)

    • P6 Highest Index Retrieved

    • P9 Highest Index Retrieved

    • SL1 Highest Index Retrieved

    • SL2 Highest Index Retrieved

    • RTI Highest Index Retrieved (for NVREP)

    • PGL1 Highest Index Retrieved

    • PGL2 Highest Index Retrieved

To set these attributes:

  1. Select the Define Legal Entities for Human Capital Management task list.

  2. Set the scope of the TRU you want update.

  3. Select Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information task.

  4. Select UK Tax Reporting Unit Details.

  5. Select UK TRU RTI Information.

    Provide the relevant authentication details as well as the highest index retrieved for each of the different types of messages.

    Note: If you set the Highest Index Retrieved to 0, the process will retrieve all the messages available from DPS.
  6. Click Submit.

Process Parameters

Payroll Flow

Unique identifier for the payroll flow.

Payroll Statutory Unit

Payroll Statutory Unit for which want to run the process.

Tax Reporting Unit

Required attribute as the retrieval is done using PAYE reference.

File Type

Required attribute as only messages of same type can be retrieved together.

Payroll Configuration Group

Overrides the volume of data retrieved.

View Results and Control Data Volume

This process performs these tasks:

  • Establishes a connection with the HMRC service and verifies credentials

  • A security token is received which is valid for 4 hours during which time communication can be made without having to establish a new connection

  • Sends a request for any new data available for download on DPS

  • Receives XML data and stores it in UCM, ready to be processed by the Load HMRC XML File process

To view the data stored in the UCM:

  1. Open the log from the HMRC Retrieval process task.

  2. Search for the text Loading to UCM is successful. This displays the UCM ID.

    The number of UCM files created depends on the number of records returned from HMRC and also on the values set by the action parameters.

  3. In the UCM, search for the UCM ID.

You can control the retrieval of data. This could either be in terms of how many records should be retrieved each time or the number of iterations the process performs to fetch the data. The process consolidates the data into a single file for uploading. You can do this by setting the two new action parameters in the Manage Payroll Configuration Process:

  • Number of incoming records from HMRC:

    The number of records the process should fetch from the HMRC each time.

  • Number of times records fetched before upload:

    The number of iterations (performed in a loop) to fetch records from the HMRC before consolidating the data.

If you don't provide the parameters, HMRC has their own default numbers that will be used.

If you want to override the parameters, you must create your own process configuration group:

  1. Select the Manage Payroll Process Configuration task

  2. Click Create.

  3. Provide a name for the configuration group.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Search for and select the newly created configuration group.

  6. Under configuration group details, select Create.

  7. In the Parameter Name field, select Number of Incoming Records from HMRC and set the Override value.

  8. Create another row for the second parameter, which is, Number of times records fetched before upload.

  9. Set the Override Value.

  10. Click Save.

When running the retrieval process, select the newly created configuration group as parameter.