How can I prorate elements when a person transfers payrolls?

You can prorate assignment level elements when a person transfers to a new payroll using the following steps.

  1. Enable proration for the assignment level element.

  2. Ensure the proration event group tracks changes to a person's payroll.

  3. Define eligibility for the element using the payroll criteria. Select the 'All Payrolls' option if the element is applicable to workers on any of your company's payrolls

Let's assume you have enabled proration for the Salary element. You transfer Yan Klein from the weekly to monthly payroll effective 20-Feb.

  • The application will stop processing Yan's salary for the weekly payroll on 19-Feb and the salary entry is prorated.

  • The application starts processing Yan's salary for the monthly payroll on 20-Feb and the salary entry is prorated.


In the example above, the salary element ends on the Last Standard Earnings date of the assignment.