Mass Legal Employer Change for Payroll

When you need to transfer multiple employees to the same legal employer, use the Mass Legal Employer Change task. This performs the transfers in a single batch.

It uses the Local and Global Transfer process to copy the selected employees' assignments and work relationship data from the source to the destination work relationship. This occurs as of the global transfer date. If there are any future-dated changes, it copies those as well.

To run this process:

  1. From My Client Groups, click Show more.

  2. In Employment, click Mass Legal Employer Change.

Some things to consider when performing this kind of transfer.

  • Use this task to transfer people from different legal employers into the same target legal employer.

  • Use this task when changing legal employers within the same country or legislation. If you use this task to mass change legal employers across legislations, it doesn't copy the data for salary and payroll. Additionally, there may be issues with certain personal data elements that aren't copied across legislations.

    For example, a person is transferring from the Netherlands to the United States. In the Netherlands, their marital status is Living Together. Because the US doesn't have this status, their marital status would be null. However, if the marital status is Married, both legislations support that status, and it would be copied during the transfer.

  • Some fields and copy options are enabled by default and hidden on this process. You can use HCM Experience Design Studio to configure what fields are hidden or displayed according to user role. For example, you can choose to hide some of the payroll fields from the line manager and make them visible to the payroll manager.

    You could also set or modify default values. For example, all recurring element entries are copied subject to eligibility. But you could exclude certain elements by defining an element (object) group and using it as the default value for the element group field.

    You can't override assignment attributes like job, grade, and position because they are unique and may differ for each worker in the destination assignment.

    For further info, see HCM Experience Design Studio in the Help Center.

  • Pending and draft performance goals aren't transferred to the new assignment when you do a mass legal employer change. Therefore, you must make sure approvals for such performance goals are complete before you perform the transfer.

  • You can't do a mass legal employer change for an employee that has:

    • Future-dated global transfer or global temporary assignment change

    • Pending transaction awaiting approval that involves an assignment change

    • Work relationship start date with the same as the effective date of the transfer


You can use the Change Legal Employer Dashboard to view the results of a transfer. It lists a consolidated summary related to the global transfer for each employee. For further info, see Dashboard for Legal Employer Change in the Help Center.

Data Transfered

This task copies the following.

Data item

What this includes

Override Assignment Values

You can provide specific values for certain assignment attributes. These values:

  1. Apply to all people being transferred

  2. Override the corresponding values on their source assignment

Additional Changes

By default, the task copies all assignment extensible flexfield (EFF) contexts. However, you can choose which contexts you don't want to copy to the worker's new assignment.

Salary Changes

You can copy the salary from the primary assignment of the previous work relationship. However:

  1. The legal employers involved in the transfer must have the same LDG.

  2. The salary basis must be one of the following.

    • Type 1: Salary amount is determined by the user.

    • Type 2: Salary amount is determined by components and the salary basis setting is Enable component selection during allocation.

    • Type 3: Salary amount is determined by rates.

Performance Goals and Documents Related Changes

You can move performance goals and documents to the worker’s new assignments. You can move:

  • All workers' performance goals and documents associated with all review periods

  • Only current and future review periods, excluding historic performance goals and documents associated with inactive assignments

When you perform a mass employee transfer:

  1. For workers whose performance data is the same across all assignments within their work relationship, the task copies only the performance goals and documents associated with the primary assignment to the new assignment.

    This performance data includes:

    • Performance goals

    • Goal plans

    • Performance documents

    The performance goals and documents associated with the secondary assignments remain unchanged on the source relationship. You can edit, cancel, or delete them as needed.

  2. The task doesn't change eligibility profiles.

    If the eligibility profiles used for performance goals and documents include inactive assignments, after the transfer, the inactive assignments continue to be eligible for the same performance goals and documents.

    You must update the eligibility profiles to exclude the inactive assignments to prevent them being recreated.

Payroll Details

You can copy payroll details from the source to the target assignment and payroll relationship during a mass legal employer change within the LDG.

For further info, see Payroll Data Transferred below.


You can choose the life event for global transfer and transfer benefits balance to the worker's new assignment.

Select People

You can choose the workers for whom you would like to perform the transaction.

Review Selected People

You can review the people you selected before submitting the Mass Legal Employer process.

Payroll Data Transferred

For Payroll implementations, the process copies the data from the original assignments and work relationships to the new one, depending on your selections.


You can use the Change Legal Employer Dashboard to view the results of transfer. It lists a consolidated summary related to the global transfer for each employee. For further info, see Dashboard for Legal Employer Change in the Help Center.

Here's the payroll items the process can copy. For details on all data the process copies, see Data Copy and Display Options for Global Transfers for the US in the Help Center.

Payroll item

What this includes

Payroll Relationship and Assignment attributes (Payroll Details)

Attributes such as payroll, overtime period, and time card. These values default to the value from the source, and you can override them if required.

Personal Payment Methods

Payment methods are copied subject to the availability of a valid organization payment method (OPM) for the same payment type.

Third-Party Payment Methods

Payment methods are copied subject to a valid OPM on the target payroll.

For further info, see What Happens to Payment Methods During Person Transfers in the Help Center.

Person Costing Overrides

By default, the flow doesn't copy costing overrides. If you choose to copy, then the process copies the data across the four levels of the person's costing configuration.

For further info, see What Happens to Costing Overrides During Person Transfers in the Help Center.

Recurring Element Entries

The flow copies element entries subject to eligibility. To exclude certain elements from being copied, define an element (object) group with the Global Transfer usage type.

For further info, see What Happens to Element Entries During Person Transfers in the Help Center.

Calculation Cards and Components

The flow copies the cards and components at the payroll relationship level based on each country's legislation.

For further info, see What Happens to Calculation Cards During Person Transfers in the Help Center.


The flow copies the source assignment and relationship-level balances to the target assignment and payroll relationship respectively.


The Mass Legal Employer Change flow interprets a blank entry to imply the value on the source assignment and payroll relationship. Unless you override this value, the application copies the source value to the target assignment and payroll relationship.

For further info, see What Happens to Balances During Person Transfers in the Help Center.