NINO Verification Request Process

Payroll managers and administrators can run a process to validate or obtain a National Insurance Number (NINO) for a single employee or for all employees who belong to a specific payroll statutory unit (PSU) or tax reporting unit (TRU).

The NINO Verification Request process archives the details of employees with unverified NI numbers and then generates this output:

  • An XML file with details of the employees for delivery to HMRC

  • Audit Report identifying all employees included in the NVREQ file.

  • Errors or Warnings Report detailing any errors that occurred during the process.


You can run the process again (as many times as needed) to process all employees. Each time the process runs, it creates a new file containing only employees not verified previously.

Use the Submit a Report or Process task to select the NINO Verification Request Process flow pattern.


The NINO Verification Request output file contains only employees whose:

  • National Insurance Number wasn't verified previously (the value of the NINO Verified field must be either No or blank).

  • National Insurance Number has an issue date.

  • Assignment is assigned to a payroll.

  • Statutory Deductions calculation card contains a TRU association and association details linking assignment with the PAYE and NI components.

Process Parameters

When you submit the flow, you must select the PSU for which you're updating employee records. Optionally, you can select a TRU within that PSU for updating. In addition, you must provide these parameters.



Employee Display Name

If running for a specific employee, display name of the employee whose NI number you want to verify.

Effective Date

Earliest start date of employees to be included in this process.

Submission Type

Indicates whether the submission is a test or a live submission. If you select Test, the process inserts a test indicator in the output file, which you can submit to HMRC for validation before submitting the Live submission. Test mode leaves the records unlocked, so they will be included if you run the process again. Once you have verified the test submission, run the process again and select Live as the submission type.

Process Results

This process produces an output file, an audit report, and an error and warnings report. After the process has completed, select one of these tasks from the process flow checklist:

  • Select Run NINO Verification Request to view the audit report or NVREQ file.

  • Select Run Errors and Warnings Report to view that report.

On the Statutory Reports page, select the Processes and Reports tab and then click the icon in the View Results column. On the View Results window, click the report or file name.

Errors and Warnings Report

Review the Errors or Warnings report to ensure that no errors occurred during the validation or archive process and all records were processed successfully. The report lists all data elements that failed character set validation and all process errors that occurred during the archive process. If errors occurred, correct the underlying data and run the process again.

Audit Report

Review the Audit Report to see which employees were included in the NVREQ file.

Downloading the NVREQ File

From the View Results window, click Save to download the file to a location accessible to the third-party software that will transmit the file to HMRC. You can use the Outgoing XML Messages Submission Process to submit the file to HMRC.