PAYE Information While Migrating Existing Employees from Legacy Application

When you migrate an employee's record to the Oracle Cloud HCM payroll process rather than hiring a new employee, you don't need to create an RTI New Starter flexfield structure, or report this as a new starter to HMRC through the FPS.

To hide the new starter declaration in the FPS (as it was submitted using a legacy system), set these values in the GB_PAYE component:

  • EMPLOYMENT_FILED_HMRC: Set this to Y. This indicates the record is already filed with HMRC. If you leave this blank, the FPS process populates this when filing the employment with HMRC. If you roll back that FPS, this record will revert to being blank.

  • EMPLOYMENT_FILED_HMRC_PA: Set this to -1. This indicates that the filing of the new starter record can't be rolled back (as it's already filed using the legacy system). If you leave this blank, the FPS process populates this when filing the employment with HMRC. If you roll back that FPS, this record will revert to being blank.

During migration, the GB_PAYE field PREV_HMRC_PAYROLL_ID holds the previous HMRC Payroll ID as defined by the legacy system. This value is sent to HMRC through the first FPS, when it's submitted with the value Report HMRC Payroll ID Migration Change. This ensures that the new and the old HMRC Payroll ID are associated by HMRC to identify the same employment record.


You can only load this value into the flexfield using the HCM Data Loader. There are other flexfields that were relevant before RTI was implemented. These are disabled and must not be used.