Set Job Priority for Payroll Reports

The BI server puts every job it gets in a queue in a first in, first out manner irrespective of the report being critical or non-critical.

The jobs are executed in a serial manner one after the other. However, there could be instances when theserver is unable to process a job request, as expected, due to these reasons:

  • Performance issues with a previous job on the BI server

  • Overloading of the BI server

  • Malfunctioning of the BI server

The report job encounters an issue and remains pending until a manual intervention is done to resolve the issue. Time-bound, critical processes, like Calculate Payroll, require uninterrupted processing of critical payment jobs like EFT, Check Payments, Payslips.

The Priority of payroll reports on the BI server are by default set as Normal and hence are processed on first in, first out basis. To avoid interruptions, set the priority of your payroll report jobs as Critical, so that they're executed on priority.

When you set the report as Critical, when there is an interruption, the critical jobs are routed onto an optional server and processed on priority.


You can make this change only on the custom version of the payroll report, payslip, EFT, or Check.

Follow these steps to set a payroll report as critical.

  1. Navigate to the report in the BI Catalog.

  2. Click Edit and then click Properties.

  3. On the Report Properties window, under the General tab, select Critical in the Job Priority field.

  4. Click OK.

Setting the report as critical reduces chances of failure when there is an issue with the BI server or a performance issue with a previous report job in the process.