Set Up BACS Payment Process

Before you can make deposits through Banker's Automated Clearing System (BACS), you must set up an organization payment method for BACS payments. You can then create personal payment methods, for all applicable employees, that link to the organization payment method.

Create BACS Organization Payment Method

Follow these steps to create a BACS organization payment method:

  1. Select the Organization Payment Methods task.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Select the legislative data group and click Continue.

  4. In the Payment Type field, select BACS.

  5. Complete the fields in the Payment Information section.

    • If you're making multiple-file submissions using a BACS payroll bureau, enter your Bureau Name and Bureau Reference. The Bureau Reference must begin with an uppercase B followed by a five-digit number, for example, B12345.

    • If you're making single-file submissions, leave the Bureau Name and Bureau Reference blank.

  6. Enter appropriate values for BACS Transaction Limit and BACS File Limit.

  7. In the Payment Sources section, click Create.

  8. On the Create Payment Source page, enter a name for the payment source and select a bank account. You must have previously defined the bank account.

  9. In the Payment Information section, enter your BACS User Number and Contra Narrative.

  10. Save the payment method.

Create Personal Payment Methods for BACS

After you have created the BACS organization payment method, you can assign it to the personal payment methods you create for your employees. Use the Personal Payment Methods task to create the payment method.

To assign BACS as personal payment method:

  1. From Payroll, select Personal Payment Methods.

  2. Search for and select the employee.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Select Organization Payment Method for this employee and ensure it's BACS.

  5. Add a bank account and provide banking details.

    An employee can have multiple payment methods. Use the Payment Amount Type and Percentage fields to manage distribution across different payment methods.

BACS Payments

To make a BACS payment, select the Make EFT Payments process using the Submit a Process or Report task. This creates an XML file containing data generated by payroll that's relevant for payment processing. When you run this process, BACS file and BACS audit report are generated.


A predefined eText template is available in the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher that generates an EFT file from the XML. The EFT file has a predefined structure for BACS.

When you run the Make EFT Payments process, provide the required parameters including these:

  • BACS Submission Serial Number: A number that appears in the BACS file that displays the number of attempts to submit this BACS file. In the BACs file, this is defaulted to 0. You can enter a number up to six digits.

  • Organization Payment Method: Select the BACS organization payment method you previously created

  • Payment Source: This restricts the EFT file to contain only those employee payments that are to be paid from the given payment source.

  • BACS Processing Date: Set this date to three working days before you require the payments to be received in the destination bank accounts. The overriding payment date isn't the same as the date on which payments are made.


Once the payment process is executed for a person for a specific period, the person won't be selected if the process is rerun. To rerun the payment for an already processed person, the whole execution needs to be rolled back. If you previously ran a prepayment for this period using a different payment source, the process doesn't produce an EFT file.

Review BACS Audit Report

You can use the audit report that's generated as part of the Make EFT Payments process to verify the payments generated on the BACS file. To view this report, run the Make EFT Payments process successfully and select the BACS audit report under Output and Delivery from the relevant report job. The report is delivered in CSV format.