Tax Code Uplift Archive Process

You run this process at the start of a payroll tax year to uplift tax code values associated with a particular tax code suffix. Uplifting a tax code updates the tax allowance value, typically increasing it.

The process updates employees who meet the criteria specified by the submission parameters. It adds a numeric value to the numeric component of the tax code. For example, if you uplift tax codes ending in L using an uplift value of 10, then tax code S920L becomes S930L. You can also run this process midyear there's a requirement for tax code changes.

Use the Submit a Payroll Flow task to run the Tax Code Uplift Archive Process.

Before You Start

The tax codes that the process updates are associated with a PAYE component on an employee Statutory Deductions calculation card. These are the requirements for tax codes to be eligible for uplift:

  • At least one assignment associated with the PAYE component is active. This means it's active and not yet terminated, or has a termination effective date after the start of the new year).

  • No future-dated changes exist for the PAYE component.

  • No changes were made to tax code, tax basis, previous taxable pay, or tax paid on the effective date. Except the changes made by the Start of Year Archive Process.

  • The resulting tax code after uplift can't be negative.

If you're running this process for a start-of-year uplift, you should have successfully completed the Start of Year Archive Process.

Process Parameters

When you submit the flow, you must select the payroll statutory unit for which you're uplifting tax codes. Optionally, you can select a tax reporting unit within that payroll statutory unit for updating. In addition, you must provide these parameters:



Payroll Flow

Identifies the flow submission.

Effective Date

Date on which the tax code uplift is effective. If this date is 6 April, the process is considered a start-of-year uplift; otherwise, it's considered a midyear uplift.

Batch Name

User-defined name that describes the contents of the batch file being created by this process. For example, 2013 Tax Code Uplift Batch. This name must be unique within your legislative data group. The batch file is retained after the upload process completes, and you can query it by this name.

Payroll Statutory Unit

Legal entity for which you want to run the process

Tax Reporting Unit

Legal reporting unit for which you want to run the process

Tax Code Suffix

One-letter suffix for the tax codes you want to update.

Uplift Value

Amount to add to the original tax code value for all tax codes ending in the specified suffix. This can be a negative number, if the tax allowance is being decreased.

Submission Type

Indicates whether the submission is Test or Live.

In the Test mode, the process produces an audit report, but no updates are made.

In the Live mode, the process updates the records in the database.

Process Results

Process results are displayed on the payroll flow checklist page.

If an error prevented the processing from completing successfully, select Go to Task for the start-of-year task on the checklist. Then click the Errors and Warnings tab to view the error. Correct the underlying problem identified on this tab and then rerun the process.

If the process completed successfully, click Go to Task for the uplift task on the checklist. Then click View Results on the Processes and Reports tab to access the audit report.

Audit Report

The audit report lists each employee whose tax code was uplifted and shows the original and updated tax code values. The audit report also lists errors found during the process that prevented one or more employee records from being updated. Here are the changes for audit purposes:

  • Authority field is P9X if the update is on 06 April, otherwise it is P7X

  • Authority date is 06 April for P9X or effective date for P7X

  • Last update process is set to either of these:

    • Uplifted (if the process is run before the Start of Year Archive process or mid year)

    • Clear down Uplifted (if the Start of Year Archive process has already run for the employee as at 06 April)

If the report contains errors, correct the underlying data problems identified in the report and then rerun the process. The process doesn't update a person's record more than once on the same date; it processes only records that weren't already updated on the effective date of the process. For fewer errors, you may want to make the tax code changes manually on the person's calculation card rather than run the process again.


You can't roll back or undo this process. However, you can run the process again the next day to correct any data. For example, if you incorrectly uplifted tax codes by 20 instead of 10, you can uplift again the next day by negative 10.

After successful process completion, you can view the updated tax code for an employee using the Calculation Cards task in Payroll. Search for and open the employee Statutory Deductions calculation card. Expand the Pay As You Earn component details for the PAYE component.

After the tax code uplift, the Authority field displays the value P9X for a start-of-year uplift or P7X for a midyear uplift. The Update Method is set to System.