View and Edit Archive Results

Because payslips and the payroll register use archived data, it's critical that the archive process completes successfully and it include complete and accurate information.

You can view the results of the Archive Periodic Payroll Resultsprocess on the View Person Process Results page. You can also edit archived data, if your user privileges and therestrictions are in place for your system enable it.

View the Archive Results

Use the Archive Results section on the View Person Process Results page to view a summary of archived results and drill down to view individual archived records.


The data archived by this process may vary depending on your legislation and your organization's reporting requirements.

Archive payroll data is typically one of these types:

  • HR data, such as employee and employer address details, employee work location and department, accruals, and assignment details

  • Element information, such as earnings and deductions

  • Balance sets

  • Messages

Archive results include prepayment information used to generate payslips as well as prepayment information for external payments. Use archive results to determine errors, unprocessed assignments or missing records. If errors or issue are found, review the employee's HR or payroll data, determine the cause and correct. Once errors and issues are resolved, roll back the affected processes and rerun.

Edit the Archive Results

By default, the extract definition for the payroll archive doesn't allow editing of the output. However, if your environment and your security privileges enable this task, you can use the Edit button in the Archive Results section of the View Person Process Results page. The application stores any changes to the archived results in the archive table, which the payroll register and payment processes then use.


Updates made to the archive results will no longer match the originally generated archive. For this reason, avoid manually updating the archive unless necessary.