View and Verify Payroll Run Results

View and Verify payroll calculations for the payroll run or a QuickPay flow ensures the accuracy of your results.

Check your results as you complete payroll tasks and processes to minimize number of problems and reduce effort required to fix them. You can review results for the entire process or one person.


An error in the run results typically means an error in your payments.

Use the Process Results Summary task to locate the payroll process and view all the results processed. Drill down to view a person's payroll run results on the View Person Process Results page by choosing Run Results from the Action list. This table helps you decide your starting point.

Access Run Results


Person Process Results page

Use the Process Results Summary task

Select the process

View the payroll relationship records processed by the flow and view details for individual records.

Person Results page

Use the Person Results task,

Select the process

View a list of payrolls processed for a person. Use to research results for a person over several payroll periods. For example, you need to research an outstanding balance on a loan deduction where the employee's payments were made over a series of payroll periods.

Use the Person Process Results task

Query the person and view the run results.

You can export an employee’s payroll run results into a file, such as a Microsoft Excel Workbook File. When you're viewing the run results, click the Export button on the page to export to a file and save.

Use the payroll run reports to view results before calculating prepayments. Reports offer different ways of showing the run results, such as by aggregate amounts or detailed listings by element for each payroll relationship. Decide which report to view based on the type of standard verifications your enterprise uses.

Review the log file for a process, report, or extract flow you submitted. The log includes detailed information about the payroll run results, such as information about an error raised while processing a task.