What Happens to Element Entries During Person Transfers

You use element entries to capture employee info required for payroll processing, such as earnings and deduction information.

  • For global transfers, the process copies the person's element entry info to the new employment record, subject to the eligibility.

  • For local transfers and global temporary assignments, the element entries are unchanged.

If you want this

This is what you do

Copy all recurring element entries to the new assignment

Select Copy element entries to the new employment record in Payroll Details.

The process copies only the recurring element entries that are recorded in payroll. This option doesn't impact the element entries sourced from other modules, such as:

  • Oracle Cloud Benefits

  • Oracle Cloud Workforce Compensation

  • Oracle Cloud Absences

For example, Vision Corp grants an employee a recurring car allowance payment. This payment is effective from 1-Jan-2023. On 15-Apr-2023, you transfer them within the same legislative data group (LDG) to a different legal employer. As part of this transfer, the process copies the car allowance element entry to the new assignment as of 15-Apr-2023. If the original car allowance entry ended on 14-Apr-2023 due to the termination rule, the process wouldn't copy the element entry values.

Exclude some element entries

If you want to exclude certain element entries from the transfer, use Element Group to identify them.


This field is hidden by default and doesn't have a default value. Use the HCM Experience Design Studio task to enable it. For further info, see HCM Experience Design Studio in the Help Center.

When you select Copy element entries to the new employment record during the transfer, the process displays a list of Global Transfer usage type Element Group values for the LDG.

For example, you have sourced some element entries from a third-party application, and it reevaluates the eligibility based on the new assignment. When you run the process, it doesn't copy those element entries automatically. Instead, it defines the element entries based on the info provided by the third-party application.

Transfer elements with automatic eligibility

The process creates element entries with automatic eligibility. It doesn't update the element entry values if they would be invalid in the destination.

  • This occurs regardless of what you select for Copy element entries to the new employment record.

  • For the element entries that are copied, the process also copies the element entry costing overrides.

Voluntary Deduction Element Entries

For employees with voluntary deductions, the process copies the element entry, but it doesn't make any automatic adjustments for prior contributions.

For example, an employee has a car loan of $5000, with a commitment to repay it over 10 months with a semi-monthly deduction of $250. You set the deduction's Total Owed to 5000, so the deduction stops once $5000 is recovered from the person.

  1. The employee starts their repayment on 1 April.

  2. On 16 July, you transfer them to a different legal employer.

  3. During the transfer, the process copies the element entry to the new legal employer, but it doesn't copy the adjustments.

Therefore, after completing the transfer, you must:

  1. Check for prior contributions.

  2. Adjust the copied element entries appropriately.

    • You can use the Transfer Balances flow.

    • You can perform a balance adjustment manually.

What Element Entries Get Copied

Here's how the process handles the different kinds of element entries.

Element entries

Are they copied?

Recurring, defined through the Element Entry process


Recurring, loaded through HCM Data Loader


Nonrecurring element entries


Entries related to calculation card components


The process doesn't copy deductions that have been satisfied.