Data Conversion Formula Functions

Here are the formula functions that you can use to perform data conversions:

DATE_TO_TEXT(date [,format]), TO_CHAR(date [,format]), and TO_TEXT(date [,format])

Converts date to a character string in the format specified by format. The default format is the application canonical format.

NUM_TO_CHAR(n, format)

Converts the number n to a character string in the specified format. This function is equivalent to the SQL TO_CHAR function.

TO_CHAR(n) and TO_TEXT(n)

Converts the number n to a character string in canonical number format.

TO_DATE (expr [, format])

Converts the character string expr to a date in the specified format. If no format is specified, then expr must be in canonical format.

TO_NUMBER(expr) and TO_NUM(expr)

Converts the character string expr to a number. The character string must be in canonical number format. A period is used for the decimal point; for example, 1.234. Negative numbers are preceded with a minus; for example, -1.234.