To get the day total for one day (SUM_DAY) or the interval to date (SUM_ITD), use the DAVE time scan record day function.


Parameter Data Type Comments
rpt_rs_key TEXT The row set key provided as an output by the DAVE_TIME_SCAN_SET function.
eff_date DATE Get the time totals for a specific date. The row index must be null or -2
is_sum_itd TEXT

Indicate whether to sum time for the day or interval to date (ITD). Valid values are:

  • 'Y' = Sum ITD
  • 'No' = Sum Day

Sum ITD sums all of the daily time totals from the start of the period to the requested date (eff_date parameter).

Sum Day returns a summed time total for just the requested day (eff_date parameter).

is_use_day_type TEXT

Indicate whether the day total should use the reported time card date, overtime date, or earned date.

Valid values:

  • Y, REFERENCE, OVERTIME: Use reference date or overtime days
  • N, TIMECARD, or leave blank: Use time card date
  • EARNED: Use Earned date
period_id (optional) NUMBER

If the period start date is different from the time card start date, for ITD time totals select period start dates using the period ID.

If the value is 0 or Null (this parameter is optional), the function uses the time card period to calculate ITD time totals.

There are three ways to obtain the period ID.

  • Use GET_REPEATING_PERIOD_ID to retrieve the overtime period ID associated with the person assignment or, if not there, then the person profile, by person ID.
  • Use GET_PERIOD_ID_BY_BAL_DIM_NAME to retrieve the period ID associated with the balance definition, by balance dimension name.
  • Use the parameter type "Time period" (ORA_HWM_PERIOD), to pass the period ID using the rule parameter.
row_index (optional) NUMBER

This parameter is optional if eff_date is used. Use the row index to loop through by index or select a specific row by index.


  • 0 to row_count_day where row_count_day is the number of days provided as an output by the DAVE_TIME_SCAN_SET function
  • 1 (negative one) for next record, similar to vo.next; no need to use the row index
  • -2 (negative two) or don't use this parameter if selecting by eff_date and the date is not Null; row index is ignored


Output Data Type Comments
status TEXT

Request status, possible values are:

  • 'FAILED'
status_log TEXT The log file containing detailed information related to the 'FAILED' status and corresponding process data.
tc_date DATE The actual date retrieved. The tc_date matches the eff_date parameter when the function uses the parameter.
measure NUMBER The summed time totals for the day or ITD.
PrdStDate DATE Period start date