The DAVE time scan set function is the first function that you include in relevant formulas. Use this function to select and prepare data for processing similar to (vo.executeQuery).

The function caches the identified data so that all subsequent calls to these DAVE functions are free. That is they don't involve database queries or selections: DAVE_TIME_SCAN_REC_DAY, DAVE_TIME_SCAN_REC_DTL, and DAVE_TIME_SCAN_REC_TOTAL.


Parameter Data Type Comments
resource_id NUMBER Resource ID (Person ID) is available as a context value for current time card: GET_CONTEXT(HWM_RESOURCE_ID, 0).
start_date DATE The start date of the time card data. The scan gets the entire time card though. For example, if the time card period is October 2 to 8, and you enter a start date of October 5 and an end date of October 10, the scan gets two time cards. One time card for the period October 2 to 8 and another for the period October 9 to 15.
end_date DATE The end date of the time card data. The scan gets the entire time card though. For example, if the time card period is October 2 to 8, and you enter a start date of October 5 and an end date of October 10, the scan gets two time cards. One time card for the period October 2 to 8 and another for the period October 9 to 15.
rec_grp_type TEXT

For the record group, select reported or calculated values.


time_card_ui_type TEXT

In memory processing.


time_card_status TEXT

The time card status could include one or more of these values, separated by comma: (SUBMITTED, APPROVED, SAVED).

A Null or blank status means select all values.

time_Category_id TEXT

Filter selection results by the time category ID:

  • Use the category ID selected for the main rule using the parameter type "Time category" (TIME_CATEGORY), or
  • Select a specific time category for this function using the parameter type "Function time category" (ORA_HWM_FF_CAT), or
  • Include all time card entries (no filter by time category) by setting this parameter to Null.
assignment_Ids_Filter TEXT

Filter selection results by one or more assignment IDs (subresource ID):

  • To include all assignments (no filter by assignment), set this parameter to Null.
  • To filter by more than one assignment ID, use a comma to separate values.
  • The current assignment ID is available from the formula input HWM_CTXARY_SUBRESOURCE_ID [idx].


Output Data Type Comments
status TEXT

Request status, possible values are:

  • 'FAILED'
status_log TEXT The log file containing detailed information related to the 'FAILED' status and corresponding process data.
row_count_day NUMBER The quantity of detail records selected.
row_count_dtl NUMBER The quantity of detail records selected.
rpt_start_date DATE The actual start date for the report, which might differ from the requested start date, based on the time card period. The report start and end dates include the start and end dates of the time card period, for requested time.
rpt_end_date DATE The actual end date for the report, which might differ from the requested end date, based on the time card period. The report start and end dates include the start and end dates of the time card period, for requested time.
rpt_rs_key TEXT

All subsequent DAVE operations, such as these, require the row set key: