This fast formula is associated with the delivered rule templates Daily Threshold Template and Weekly Threshold Template. It compares the total daily or period hours identified by the time category with the threshold value.

It converts hours over the threshold to a single payroll time type. It leaves hours under the threshold as the same payroll time type or converts them to a new, single payroll time type.


Name Type Description
WORKED_TIME_CONDITION Time category Time category of reported hours that include the specified time attributes to convert and copy to payroll cost segments.
DEFINED_LIMIT Fixed Number Number of hours marking the daily or weekly threshold


\Name Output Group Time Attribute Description
OUT_MEASURE_ARY_UNDER 1 Measure Calculated hours under the daily or weekly threshold
OUT_MEASURE_ARY_OVER 2 Measure Calculated hours over the daily or weekly threshold


This formula sums time entries for each day and the entire time card. If the total hours worked exceed the defined limit for the selected summation level, it splits the totaled time between the measures OUT_MEASURE_ARY_UNDER and OUT_MEASURE_ARY_OVER.


Scenario: You don't include a payroll time type for calculated hours under the threshold because you want to use those of the reported time entries. You add a payroll time type output for calculated hours over the threshold to use instead of the reported time type. Also, Sick and Jury Duty are pay time attributes instead of absence time attributes.

Example 1: You create a rule with your template where the daily threshold is 8 hours. The time category is All Payroll Time Types and the payroll time type for calculated hours over the threshold is Overtime.

Day Payroll Time Type Reported Time Calculated Time
Mon Regular 7h 7h
Sick 1h 1h
Tue Regular 8h 8h
Wed Regular 9h 8h
Overtime NA 1h
Thu Regular 10h 8h
Overtime NA 2h
Fri Jury Duty 8h 8h
Regular NA 8h

Example 2: You create a rule with your template where the weekly threshold is 40 hours. The time category is All Payroll Time Types, and the payroll time type for calculated hours over the threshold is Overtime.

Day Payroll Time Type Reported Time Calculated Time
Mon Regular 7h 7h
Sick 1h 1h
Tue Regular 8h 8h
Wed Regular 9h 9h
Thu Regular 10h 10h
Fri Jury Duty 8h 5h
Overtime NA 3h

Scenario: You add a payroll time type output for calculated hours both under and over the threshold to use instead of the reported time types. Also, Sick and Jury Duty are pay time attributes instead of absence time attributes.

Example 3: You create a rule with your template where the daily threshold is 8 hours and the time category is All Payroll Time Types. The payroll time type for calculated hours under the threshold is Straight Time and over the threshold is Overtime.

Day Payroll Time Type Reported Time Calculated Time
Mon Regular 7h
Sick 1h
Straight Time NA 8h
Tue Regular 8h
Straight Time NA 8h
Wed Regular 9h
Straight Time NA 8h
Overtime NA 1
Thu Regular 10h 0h
Straight Time NA 8h
Overtime NA 2h
Fri Jury Duty 8h
Straight Time NA 8h

Example 4: You create a rule with your template where the weekly threshold is 40 hours and the time category is All Payroll Time Types. The payroll time type for calculated hours under the threshold is Straight Time and over the threshold is Overtime.

Day Payroll Time Type Reported Time Calculated Time
Mon Regular 7h
Sick 1h
Straight Time NA 8h
Tue Regular 8h 0h
Straight Time NA 8h
Wed Regular 9h 0h
Straight Time NA 9h
Thu Regular 10h 0h
Straight Time NA 8h
Overtime NA 2h
Fri Jury Duty 8h 0h
Straight Time NA 5h
Overtime NA 3h