To create formulas that evaluate time device events, use the time device rule formula type. Also create time entry exceptions, when appropriate. You can select only formulas with this formula type when you create time device rule templates.

Header Indicator Description
Rule Classification Choice list with the values applicable to time calculation rules
Summation Level

Specify at what level the rule applies. This indicator displays only when the associated formula includes this indicator.

  • Details: Process the rule against all time entries that match the time category condition.
  • Day: Process the rule against hours entered for the entire day that match the time category conditions.
  • Time Card: Process the rule against hours entered for the entire period that match the time category conditions.
Reporting Level

Specify at what level to display the rule message results. This indicator displays only when the associated formula includes this indicator.

  • Details: Display rule results for all time entries that match the time category condition.
  • Day: Display rule results for the hours reported for the entire day that match the time category conditions.
  • Time Card: Display rule results for the hours reported for the entire period that match the time category conditions.
Suppress Duplicate messages Display

Specify how to handle the generation of repeated messages by selecting one of these two values:

  • Yes: Display the message just once.
  • No: Display the message every time that the message generation event occurs.