Generate Configuration and Data Snapshot for Review

ADP Global Payroll require a visibility into the setup configurations and data that impact payroll integrations.

You can use this snapshot to identify any gaps in integration requirements earlier in the implementation cycle and take corrective action

Extraction of this snapshot itself doesn't require any additional configurations or specific implementation. The delivered or configured interface can be used in the full attribute mode for this. This extraction typically happens only once or a few times during the implementation phase.

Follow the steps below to generate the Data Precheck snapshot:
  • Navigate to My Client Groups > Payroll > Submit a Flow.

  • Select your legislative data group.

  • In Select a Flow, search for and select Run Payroll Interface for ADP Global Payroll V2.

  • Provide these parameter values:

    • Payroll Flow: Enter a meaningful name to monitor progress.

    • Consumer: Select Data Precheck Snapshot.

    • Changes Only: All attributes

    • Object Group: Select as appropriate.

    • Payroll : Select as appropriate.

    • Process Start Date: Select the date as on which you need the snapshot.

    • Process End Date: Select the date as on which you need the snapshot.
      Note: Its recommended to:
      1. Select the same date for Process Start Date and Process End date.

      2. Or leave the Process Start Date and Process End date blank, in which case the report is generated using the Sysdate

    • Instance Name: Select Development/Production/QA Test.

    • Process Configuration Group: Select the required process configuration group

    • Baseline Only: Yes/No

  • Submit the flow.

The Data Precheck Snapshot output file is a pipe delimited file with a .csv extension. Since the entire record is combined into a single column, pipe delimiters are used (||) to separate the attributes and their values.

In case there's no value for a record, then only the pipe delimiters will be displayed in the report.