Lookup Report

As Payroll interface partners, you must be aware of some of the master data configured on the Human Capital Management (HCM) cloud, such as lookup types and codes, or elements.

This is handled by providing an interface called Lookup Report that extracts identified master master data configured on the HCM cloud.

Use the Lookup Report to generate the list of lookup types and codes on the HCM cloud that have been setup by a customer or delivered by Oracle, or both. It also extracts other setup like Elements, Job codes, Position codes, or Legal Employers, that generally require value mapping on the third-party application. As a Payroll partner, you need this information to create the maps for transformation at your end before you can use the payroll interface data.

Generate the Lookup Report

  1. Navigate to My Client Groups, Payroll, Submit a Flow.

  2. Select the Legislative Data Group.

  3. Search for the Run Global Payroll Interface Lookup Report flow.

  4. Enter values for these parameters as given in this table.


    What It Means

    Payroll Flow

    Any name that can be used to monitor the progress of the flow.

    Delivered By

    Select a value from Both, Customer or Oracle. This parameter determines whether the report will contain values delivered by Oracle out of the box, or those that are created by the customer, or both.

    Include Work Structures

    Select Yes to include work structure information like Job, Cost Center, Location, Grade, and Position. Selecting No excludes this information from the report.


    Run the flow 'As soon as possible' or use a predefined schedule or frequency to run the report once or on a recurring basis.

  5. Click Submit.

  6. Monitor the process and view the report output.

Report Output

The Lookup Report generates the list of lookup types and codes on the HCM cloud that have been setup by a customer or delivered by Oracle, or both. The report extracts the following key information.


What It Includes


  • Lookups included in the predefined 'ORA_HRY_GPI_LOOKUP_LIST' lookup type

  • Who created the Lookups: Customer, Oracle, or Both

  • Lookup codes defined within the lookups

  • Meaning and description of the lookup

  • Country tag added to the lookup to indicate if the lookup codes added to this lookup is global or specific to a country. If country-specific, it indicates the tags of countries for which this lookup code is applicable.

Legislative Data Group (LDG)

  • Name of the LDG

  • Name of the LDG country

  • Address type selected for the country

Legal Employer and Business Units

  • Classification name to identify if the organization is a legal employer or a business unit

  • Name of the organization

  • Start date and end date of the organization

Action Code and Action Reason

  • Action code

  • Action name

  • Predefined action to which the user-defined action code is mapped

  • Start date and end date of the action

  • Action reason code

  • Action reason

  • Start date and end date of the reason

Assignment Status

  • Status code to indicate if the assignment status code is delivered or user-defined

  • Status description

  • HR status corresponding to the assignment status

  • Payroll status corresponding to the assignment status

  • Start date and end date of the status

Workforce Structures

  • Code, name, status, start date and end date of the position, job, grade, and location

Cost Center Details

  • Name of the department

  • Name of the cost center value set

  • Cost center code and description


  • Element name

  • Element classification name

  • Reporting name of the element

  • Description of the element

  • Start date and end date of the element

Payroll Definition

  • Payroll name

  • Pay frequency

  • Start date of the payroll

  • Last date up to which the payroll is valid