Environment, Health and Safety Manager (Job Role)

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Role Hierarchy

The Environment, Health and Safety Manager job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Environment, Health and Safety Manager
    • Environment, Health and Safety Transaction Analysis

    • Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

    • Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Environment, Health and Safety Manager job role.

Duty Role Description

Environment, Health and Safety Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Environment, Health and Safety information.

Aggregate Privileges

This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Environment, Health and Safety Manager job role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Allows the user to call all methods associated with the Guided Journey Responses REST service.

Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Guided Journeys REST service.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Environment, Health and Safety Manager job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Access Assignment Rules Management Page

Allows user to access the assignment rules management page.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Access HCM Common Components

Allows access to HCM common components.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Configure Environment Health and Safety Inspection Items

Allows user to configure health and safety inspections items.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Create Environment Health and Safety Incident

Allows creation of an environment, health and safety incident.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Create Environment Health and Safety Incident Action

Allows creation of an environment, health and safety incident action.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Create Environment Health and Safety Incident Event

Allows creation of an environment, health and safety incident event.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Create Environment Health and Safety Incident Investigation

Allows creation of an environment, health and safety incident investigation.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Create Environment Health and Safety Inspection

Allows user to create health and safety inspections.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Create Environment Health and Safety Inspection Action

Allows user to create health and safety inspection actions.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Create Health and Safety Assignment Rules

Allows user to create health and safety assignment rules.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Create Security Incident

Allows creation of a security incident.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Create Self-Serve Environment Health and Safety Incident

Allows creation of a self-service environment, health and safety incident.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Create Self-Serve Health Survey Incident

Allows creation of a self-service health survey incident.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Create Self-Serve Security Incident

Allows creation of a self-service security incident.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Delete Environment Health and Safety Incident

Allows deletion of an environment, health and safety incident.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Delete Environment Health and Safety Incident Action

Allows deletion of an environment, health and safety incident action.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Delete Environment Health and Safety Incident Event

Allows deletion of an environment, health and safety incident event.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Delete Environment Health and Safety Incident Investigation

Allows deletion of an environment, health and safety incident investigation.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Delete Environment Health and Safety Inspection

Allows user to delete health and safety inspections.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Delete Environment Health and Safety Inspection Action

Allows user to delete health and safety inspection actions.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Delete Health and Safety Assignment Rules

Allows user to delete health and safety assignment rules.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Edit Environment Health and Safety Inspection

Allows user to edit health and safety inspections.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Edit Environment Health and Safety Inspection Action

Allows user to edit health and safety inspection actions.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Edit Health and Safety Assignment Rules

Allows user to edit health and safety assignment rules.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Edit Health and Safety Assignment Rules Processing Order

Allows user to edit the processing order of health and safety assignment rules.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Manage Environment Health and Safety Configuration Settings

Allows update of environment, health and safety configuration settings.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Manage Environment Health and Safety Inspection

Allows user to create, edit, and delete health and safety inspections.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Review Environment Health and Safety Incident

Allow updating of an environment, health and safety incident and related activities.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Update Environment Health and Safety Incident

Allows update of an environment, health and safety incident.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Update Environment Health and Safety Incident Action

Allows update of an environment, health and safety incident action.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Update Environment Health and Safety Incident Event

Allows update of an environment, health and safety incident event.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Update Environment Health and Safety Incident Investigation

Allows update of an environment, health and safety incident investigation.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Use REST Service - Environment Health and Safety Questionnaire Responses

Allows users to initiate REST service to update questionnaire responses.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Use REST Service - Questionnaire Lists of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the questionnaire lists of values REST services

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Use REST Service - Questionnaires

Allows the user to call all the methods associated with the Questionnaires REST Service.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

Use REST Service - Questions

Allows the user to call all the methods associated with the Questions REST Service.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

View Environment Health and Safety Incident

Allows viewing of an environment, health and safety incident.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

View Environment Health and Safety Incident Action

Allows viewing of an environment, health and safety incident action.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

View Environment Health and Safety Incident Event

Allows viewing of an environment, health and safety incident event.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

View Environment Health and Safety Incident Investigation

Allows viewing of an environment, health and safety incident investigation.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

View Environment Health and Safety Inspection

Allows user to view health and safety inspections.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

View Environment Health and Safety Inspection Action

Allows user to view health and safety inspection actions.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

View Health and Safety Assignment Rules

Allows user to view health and safety assignment rules.

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Manages the performance of operational tasks related to the support of an health and safety infrastructure.

View Health and Safety Hub

Allows user to view the Health and Safety hub to access authorized activities.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Environment, Health and Safety Manager job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Guided Journey Response

An Environment, Health and Safety Manager can manage guided journey response for guided journey responses that i have provided

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Privilege: Manage Guided Journey Response (Data)

Resource: Guided Journey Response

Guided Journey Response

An Environment, Health and Safety Manager can view guided journey response for guided journey responses that i have provided

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses

Privilege: View Guided Journey Response (Data)

Resource: Guided Journey Response


An Environment, Health and Safety Manager can view journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

Privilege: View Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey