Human Resource Analyst (Job Role)

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Role Hierarchy

The Human Resource Analyst job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Human Resource Analyst
    • Absence Entitlement Case Transaction Analysis

    • Absence Management Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Access Family and Emergency Contacts by HR

    • Access Person Contact Information by HR

    • Access Person Extra Information by HR

    • Access Person Gallery

    • Access Person Identification Information by HR

    • Access Person Spotlight Advanced Search
      • Access Person Gallery

      • Use REST Service - Worker Searches V2

    • Access Personal Details by HR

    • Areas of Responsibility Transaction Analysis

    • Availability Patterns Transaction Analysis

    • Career Development Transaction Analysis

    • Compare HCM Information

    • Document Record Mass Download Transaction Analysis

    • Documents of Record Transaction Analysis

    • Goal Management Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Guided Journey Responses Transaction Analysis

    • HCM Extract Definition

    • HCM Questionnaires General Survey Responses Transaction Analysis

    • Leave Donation Transaction Analysis

    • Manage Absence Case

    • Manage Contact Person PII

    • Manage Individual Compensation

    • Mass Download Document Records

    • Performance Management Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Person Communication Methods View

    • Person Disability Transaction Analysis

    • Person View

    • Process Documents of Record Expiry

    • Submit a Payroll Flow

    • Submit a Payroll Process or Report

    • Succession Management Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Talent Review Meeting Real Time Transaction Analysis

    • Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses Read Only

    • Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

    • Use REST Service - Legislative Data Groups List of Values

    • Use REST Service - Representatives Read Only

    • Use REST Service - Salaries With Analytics Read Only

    • Use REST Service - View HR Document Types List of Values

    • Use REST Service - Worker Assignments List of Values

    • Use REST Service - Workers List of Values

    • Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

    • Vacancy Transaction Analysis

    • View Additional Assignment Info

    • View Areas of Responsibility by Person

    • View Areas of Responsibility by Responsibility Type

    • View Check-In Document

    • View Compensation Details for Worker

    • View Compensation History

    • View Costing for a Person

    • View Department

    • View Development Goal by HR

    • View Eligible Jobs

    • View Employment Information Summary

    • View Employment Termination

    • View Future Assignment Changes

    • View HR Document Type

    • View HR Job

    • View Location

    • View Payroll Element Entry

    • View Payroll Relationship

    • View Person Address

    • View Person Biographical Information

    • View Person Citizenship

    • View Person Disability by HR

    • View Person Document Delivery Preferences

    • View Person Documentation

    • View Person Driver License

    • View Person Ethnicity

    • View Person Identifiers for External Applications

    • View Person Legislative

    • View Person Name

    • View Person National Identifier

    • View Person Number

    • View Person Passport

    • View Person Religion

    • View Person Visa or Permit

    • View Portrait Availability Card

    • View Positions

    • View Salaries

    • View Seniority Dates

    • View Total Compensation Statements

    • View Work Patterns

    • View Work Relationship

    • View Work Terms and Assignment

    • View Worker Assignment History Details

    • View Worker Checklist

    • View Worker Contract

    • View Worker Journey
      • Use REST Service - All Tasks in Journey Task Library Read Only

      • Use REST Service - Journey Allocations Read Only

      • Use REST Service - Journey Scheduled Allocations Read Only

      • Use REST Service - Journeys Read Only

      • Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only

      • Use REST Service - Worker Journeys Read Only

    • Workforce Assignment Salary Transaction Analysis

    • Workforce Confidential Reporting

    • Workforce Confidential Viewing

    • Workforce Modeling Transaction Analysis

    • Workforce Profile Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Workforce Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Human Resource Analyst job role.

Duty Role Description

Absence Entitlement Case Transaction Analysis

Analyses qualified absence entitlement cases

Absence Management Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Workforce absences transactional information

Access Person Spotlight Advanced Search

Allows access to the Person Spotlight advanced search.

Areas of Responsibility Transaction Analysis

Analyses areas of responsibility mapping data

Availability Patterns Transaction Analysis

Analyzes employee availability pattern transactional information

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis

Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty

Business Intelligence Authoring

An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Career Development Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Career Development transactional information

Document Record Mass Download Transaction Analysis

Analyzes mass downloads of document records.

Documents of Record Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Documents of Records transactional information

Goal Management Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Workforce Goals transactional information

Guided Journey Responses Transaction Analysis

Analyzes guided journey responses.

HCM Extract Definition

Grants access to the extract definition duty.

HCM Questionnaires General Survey Responses Transaction Analysis

Analyses HCM Questionnaires General Survey Responses

Leave Donation Transaction Analysis

Analyses leave donation transactional information

Manage Contact Person PII

Manages a contact person's PII data.

Performance Management Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Workforce Performance Management transactional information

Person Communication Methods View

Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human Resource Specialist to view the phones, emails and other communication methods in the portrait.

Person Disability Transaction Analysis

Analyses person disability transactional information

Person View

Searches and views person related information.

Succession Management Transaction Analysis

Analyses Succession Management Transactional Information.

Talent Review Meeting Real Time Transaction Analysis

Provides real-time transactional analysis on Talent Review meeting information

Transactional Analysis

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

Use REST Service - View HR Document Types List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the HR document types list of values REST service. Use this duty role when granting view only access to person documentation data.

Use REST Service - Workers List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Workers list of values REST Service.

Vacancy Transaction Analysis

Analyses Vacancy Transactional Information.

View Worker Journey

Allows users to access and view worker journeys.

Workforce Assignment Salary Transaction Analysis

Analyses assignment and salary transactional information

Workforce Confidential Reporting

Secures workforce PII and other sensitive reporting data.

Workforce Confidential Viewing

Secures workforce PII and other sensitive viewing data.

Workforce Modeling Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Workforce Modeling transactional information

Workforce Profile Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Workforce Profile transactional information

Workforce Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Workforce transactional information

Aggregate Privileges

This table lists aggregate privileges assigned directly and indirectly to the Human Resource Analyst job role.

Aggregate Privilege Description

Access Family and Emergency Contacts by HR

Allows access to a person's family and emergency contacts.

Access Person Contact Information by HR

Allows access to Person contact information such as phones, emails, other communication accounts, and addresses.

Access Person Extra Information by HR

Allows access to a person's extensible flexfields.

Access Person Gallery

Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.

Access Person Identification Information by HR

Allows access to Person documents such as citizenship, passport, visa and permits, and driver licenses.

Access Personal Details by HR

Allows access to Person Information such as such as name, national identifier, biographical, demographic, and disability information.

Compare HCM Information

Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these objects.

Manage Absence Case

Views employee related absence accrual data.

Manage Individual Compensation

Privilege to manage individual compensation awards for workers within the user's security profile.

Mass Download Document Records

Allows mass download of document records for workers.

Process Documents of Record Expiry

Allows processing documents of record expiration.

Submit a Payroll Flow

Allows users to run scheduled processes that are included in payroll flows. When granting this aggregate privilege to a custom role you should also grant the Submit a Payroll Process or Report aggregate privilege, ORA_PAY_PROCESS_AND_REPORT_SUBMISSION_DUTY.

Submit a Payroll Process or Report

Allows users to access the Submit a Flow action. When granting this aggregate privilege to a custom role you should also grant the Submit a Payroll Flow aggregate privilege, ORA_PAY_PAYROLL_FLOW_SUBMISSION_DUTY.

Use REST Service - All Tasks in Journey Task Library Read Only

Allows the user to access all tasks in the task library and call the GET method associated with the Journey Task Library REST Service.

Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Guided Journey Responses REST service.

Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Guided Journeys REST service.

Use REST Service - Journey Allocations Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Journey Allocations REST Service.

Use REST Service - Journey Scheduled Allocations Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Journey Scheduled Allocations REST Service.

Use REST Service - Journeys Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Journeys REST Service.

Use REST Service - Legislative Data Groups List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Legislative Data Groups LOV REST Service.

Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Public Workers REST Service.

Use REST Service - Representatives Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Representatives REST Service.

Use REST Service - Salaries With Analytics Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the worker salaries REST Service, that returns salary along with analytical attributes.

Use REST Service - Worker Assignments List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Assignments list of values REST Service.

Use REST Service - Worker Journeys Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Worker Journeys REST Service.

Use REST Service - Worker Searches V2

Allows the user to search for workers using the workerSearchesV2 REST API.

Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Workforce Structure list of values REST Services.

View Additional Assignment Info

Allows viewing of additional assignment info.

View Areas of Responsibility by Person

View areas of responsibility for a person.

View Areas of Responsibility by Responsibility Type

View the people assigned to a responsibility.

View Check-In Document

Allows to view check-in document.

View Compensation Details for Worker

Views compensation data for a worker.

View Compensation History

Provides access to view compensation history for workers within the users security profile.

View Costing for a Person

Views the costing of a person.

View Department

Allows viewing of departments.

View Development Goal by HR

View development goals of workers by HR.

View Eligible Jobs

Allows viewing of eligible jobs for relief in higher class.

View Employment Information Summary

Grants access to view a worker's employment information summary.

View Employment Termination

Allows viewing of work relationship termination or assignment termination transactions for roles without the termination privilege.

View Future Assignment Changes

Allows viewing of future assignment changes for a worker.

View HR Document Type

Allows viewing of document types for documents of record.

View HR Job

Allows viewing of HR jobs.

View Location

Allows viewing of locations.

View Payroll Element Entry

Views the allocation and data entry of earnings and deduction elements to a person.

View Payroll Relationship

Views an individual's payroll employee model.

View Person Address

Grants access to persons to view their own address data.

View Person Biographical Information

Allows access to a person's biographical information.

View Person Citizenship

Grants access to persons to view their own citizenship.

View Person Disability by HR

Allows access to a person's disability information.

View Person Document Delivery Preferences

Allows viewing of document delivery preferences for person records.

View Person Documentation

Allows viewing of document records.

View Person Driver License

Grants access to persons to view their own driver licenses.

View Person Ethnicity

Grants access to persons to view their own ethnicity.

View Person Identifiers for External Applications

Views person identifiers for external applications.

View Person Legislative

Grants access to persons to view their own legislative information.

View Person Name

Views persons' name related attributes.

View Person National Identifier

Grants access to persons to view national identifier.

View Person Number

Allows access to a person's person number.

View Person Passport

Grants access to persons to view their own passports.

View Person Religion

Grants access to persons to view their own religion.

View Person Visa or Permit

Grants access to persons to view their own visas and permits.

View Portrait Availability Card

Grants access to the availability card in the portrait, which includes schedule, absence, and accrual information.

View Positions

Views positions in the user's position security profile.

View Salaries

Provides users view only access to view salaries.

View Seniority Dates

Allows viewing of seniority dates.

View Total Compensation Statements

Views generated total compensation statements for individuals within their security profile.

View Work Patterns

Allows users to view work patterns for a worker.

View Work Relationship

View worker work relationships.

View Work Terms and Assignment

View worker assignments and work terms.

View Worker Assignment History Details

Allows viewing of worker's assignment history details.

View Worker Checklist

Views allocated checklists to a worker.

View Worker Contract

Allows viewing of worker's employment contract details and contract extensions.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Human Resource Analyst job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Access Person Spotlight Advanced Search

Allows access to the Person Spotlight advanced search.

Access Person Spotlight

Access the person spotlight to view details of your own or another person's HCM profile such as employment details.

Access Person Spotlight Advanced Search

Allows access to the Person Spotlight advanced search.

Search Person

Allows searching for a person.

HCM Extract Definition

Grants access to the extract definition duty.

Manage HCM Extract Definition

Allows configuration of data to be extracted and output in any generic format, such as delineated text or XML.

HCM Extract Definition

Grants access to the extract definition duty.

Manage HCM Extract Definition Report

Allows access to the extract data model when defining a report.

HCM Extract Definition

Grants access to the extract definition duty.

Manage Payroll Flow Pattern

Manage Payroll Flow Pattern

HCM Extract Definition

Grants access to the extract definition duty.

Manage Payroll Task

Manage Payroll Task

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Access HCM Common Components

Allows access to HCM common components.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Enable worker searches using effective dates

Allows the user to perform searches on workers and assignments using effective dates.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Enable worker searches using termination date

Allows the user to perform searches on workers and assignments using termination dates.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Extract Work Structure Model Details

Allows management of work structure data model

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Extract Work Structure Report Details

Allows management of work structure report

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Extract Worker Model Details

Allows management of worker data model

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Extract Worker Report Details

Allows management of worker report

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Manage Data Exchange Work Area

Allows management of the Data Exchange work area.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Manage Extracts Work Area

Allows access to the Extract Maintenance work area.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Manage Payroll Calculation Entries

Ability to manage calculation entries

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Manage Person Work Area

Allows access to the Person Management work area.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Manage Workforce Structures Work Area

Allows access to the Work Structures Management work area.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Review Calendar Event Coverage

Allows identification of the resources covered by a particular calendar event.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run Canadian Employment Equity Interface

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run HCM Extract

Allows running of the extract process and submission of the write process.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run HCM Extract Write Process

Allows running of the write process to write data in a required format and delivery type.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run HCM Extracts Report

Allows access to the extract data model when running a report.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US EEO Consolidated Report

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US EEO Consolidated Report OBSOLETE

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US EEO Establishment Employment Listing Report

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US EEO Establishment Employment Listing Report OBSOLETE

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US EEO Headquarters Report

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US EEO Headquarters Report OBSOLETE

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US EEO Individual Establishment Report

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US EEO Individual Establishment Report OBSOLETE

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US EEO-1 Exception Report

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US EEO-1 Job Set

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.


Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US EEO-4 Report

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.


Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US EEO-5 Report

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.


Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US New Hire State Report

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US VETS-100

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US VETS-100 Single Establishment Electronic Report

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US VETS-100A

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Run US VETS-100A Single Establishment Electronic Report

Not Available

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

Use REST Service - Individual Compensation Lists of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Individual Compensation list of values REST Services.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

View Collective Agreements

Allows viewing of collective agreements.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

View HR Job Family

Allows viewing of job families.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

View Notification Details

Allows product specific notification details.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

View Payroll Flow Based Analytics

View Payroll Flow Based Analytics

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

View Responsibility Template

Allows viewing of responsibility templates.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

View Shifts

Allows users to view shifts.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

View Unpublished Document Records

Allows viewing of document records for workers before the specified publish date.

Human Resource Analyst

Performs duties of a human resources analyst.

View Work Pattern Templates

Allows users to view work pattern templates and assignment rules.

Manage Contact Person PII

Manages a contact person's PII data.

Manage Person Communication Method

Allows access to a person's other communication methods. For example, instant message, LinkedIn and so on.

Manage Contact Person PII

Manages a contact person's PII data.

Manage Person Email

Allows access to a person's emails.

Manage Contact Person PII

Manages a contact person's PII data.

Manage Person Phone

Allows access to a person's phones.

Person Communication Methods View

Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human Resource Specialist to view the phones, emails and other communication methods in the portrait.

Manage Person Communication Method

Allows access to a person's other communication methods. For example, instant message, LinkedIn and so on.

Person Communication Methods View

Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human Resource Specialist to view the phones, emails and other communication methods in the portrait.

Manage Person Email

Allows access to a person's emails.

Person Communication Methods View

Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human Resource Specialist to view the phones, emails and other communication methods in the portrait.

Manage Person Phone

Allows access to a person's phones.

Person View

Searches and views person related information.

Search Person

Allows searching for a person.

Person View

Searches and views person related information.

View Person

Allows viewing of a person's information.

Use REST Service - View HR Document Types List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the HR document types list of values REST service. Use this duty role when granting view only access to person documentation data.

Use REST Service - HR Document Types List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the HR document types list of values REST service.

Use REST Service - Workers List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Workers list of values REST Service.

Use REST Service - Workers List of Values

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Workers list of values REST Service.

View Worker Journey

Allows users to access and view worker journeys.

Configure Journey Dashboard

Allows users to configure the journey dashboard.

View Worker Journey

Allows users to access and view worker journeys.

Explore Journeys

Allows exploration of journeys.

View Worker Journey

Allows users to access and view worker journeys.

Manage Worker Journey By HR

Allows HR specialists to access and manage worker journeys.

View Worker Journey

Allows users to access and view worker journeys.

Use REST Service - Questionnaire Instructions Read Only

Allows access to the GET method associated with the Questionnaire Instructions REST Service.

View Worker Journey

Allows users to access and view worker journeys.

Use REST Service - Worker Journey Tasks Read Only

Allows the user to call the GET method associated with the Workers Journey Tasks REST Service, to retrieve journey tasks assigned to them.

View Worker Journey

Allows users to access and view worker journeys.

View Global Journeys

Allows users to view global journeys. Viewing of personal journeys is not restricted by this privilege.

View Worker Journey

Allows users to access and view worker journeys.

View Journey Activity

Allows viewing of journey activities.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Human Resource Analyst job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Absence Case

A Human Resource Analyst can manage absence case for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Absence Case

Privilege: Manage Absence Case (Data)

Resource: Absence Case

Areas of Responsibility Mapping

A Human Resource Analyst can report areas of responsibility mapping for areas of responsibility for which the subject is in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Areas of Responsibility Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Areas of Responsibility Mapping (Data)

Resource: Areas of Responsibility Mapping

Assignment Grade

A Human Resource Analyst can choose assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Absence Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Availability Patterns Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Career Development Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Leave Donation Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Performance Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Assignment Salary Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade

Assignment Grade Ladder

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade ladder for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Absence Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Ladder (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Ladder

Assignment Grade Ladder

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade ladder for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Availability Patterns Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Ladder (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Ladder

Assignment Grade Ladder

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade ladder for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Leave Donation Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Ladder (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Ladder

Assignment Grade Ladder

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade ladder for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Ladder (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Ladder

Assignment Grade Ladder

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade ladder for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Assignment Salary Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Ladder (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Ladder

Assignment Grade Ladder

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade ladder for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Ladder (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Ladder

Assignment Grade Rate

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade rate for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Absence Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Rate (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Rate

Assignment Grade Rate

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade rate for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Availability Patterns Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Rate (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Rate

Assignment Grade Rate

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade rate for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Leave Donation Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Rate (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Rate

Assignment Grade Rate

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade rate for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Rate (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Rate

Assignment Grade Rate

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade rate for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Assignment Salary Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Rate (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Rate

Assignment Grade Rate

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment grade rate for all grades in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment Grade Rate (Data)

Resource: Assignment Grade Rate

Assignment Responsibility

A Human Resource Analyst can view areas of responsibility by person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Areas of Responsibility by Person

Privilege: View Areas of Responsibility by Person (Data)

Resource: Assignment Responsibility

Assignment Responsibility

A Human Resource Analyst can view areas of responsibility by responsibility type for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Areas of Responsibility by Responsibility Type

Privilege: View Areas of Responsibility by Responsibility Type (Data)

Resource: Assignment Responsibility

Business Unit

A Human Resource Analyst can choose business unit for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Human Resource Analyst

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Business Unit

A Human Resource Analyst can choose business unit organization for business units in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Business Unit Organization (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Check In Document

A Human Resource Analyst can report check-in document for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Performance Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Check-In Document (Data)

Resource: Check In Document

Check In Document

A Human Resource Analyst can view check-in document for people in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Check-In Document

Privilege: View Check-In Document (Data)

Resource: Check In Document

Checklist Role Maps

A Human Resource Analyst can view journey template for others for journey templates which allow them to view assigned journeys for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Worker Journeys Read Only

Privilege: View Journey Template for Others (Data)

Resource: Checklist Role Maps

Checklist Role Maps

A Human Resource Analyst can view journey template for others for journey templates which allow them to view assigned journeys for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Worker Checklist

Privilege: View Journey Template for Others (Data)

Resource: Checklist Role Maps

Checklist Role Maps

A Human Resource Analyst can view journey template for self for journey templates which allow them to view their own assigned journeys

Role: Use REST Service - Worker Journeys Read Only

Privilege: View Journey Template for Self (Data)

Resource: Checklist Role Maps

Checklist Role Maps

A Human Resource Analyst can view journey template for self for journey templates which allow them to view their own assigned journeys

Role: View Worker Checklist

Privilege: View Journey Template for Self (Data)

Resource: Checklist Role Maps

Compensation History

A Human Resource Analyst can view compensation history for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Compensation History

Privilege: View Compensation History (Data)

Resource: Compensation History


A Human Resource Analyst can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Human Resource Analyst

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Resource Analyst can choose department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Resource Analyst can report department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Absence Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Resource Analyst can report department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Availability Patterns Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Resource Analyst can report department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Career Development Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Resource Analyst can report department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Resource Analyst can report department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Leave Donation Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Resource Analyst can report department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Performance Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Resource Analyst can report department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Resource Analyst can report department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Workforce Assignment Salary Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Resource Analyst can report department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Department (Data)

Resource: Department


A Human Resource Analyst can view department for departments in their organization security profile

Role: View Department

Privilege: View Department (Data)

Resource: Department

General Survey Questionnaire Participants

A Human Resource Analyst can report questionnaire responses for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: HCM Questionnaires General Survey Responses Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Questionnaire Responses (Data)

Resource: General Survey Questionnaire Participants

Guided Journey Response

A Human Resource Analyst can report guided journey response for guided journeys for which the subject is in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Guided Journey Responses Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Guided Journey Response (Data)

Resource: Guided Journey Response

Guided Journey Response

A Human Resource Analyst can view guided journey response for guided journey responses that i have provided

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journey Responses Read Only

Privilege: View Guided Journey Response (Data)

Resource: Guided Journey Response

HCM Extract Definition

A Human Resource Analyst can manage hcm extract definition for extract definitions in a legislative data group in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage HCM Extract Definition (Data)

Resource: HCM Extract Definition

HR Document Type

A Human Resource Analyst can report document type for document types in their document type security profile

Role: Documents of Record Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Document Type (Data)

Resource: HR Document Type

HR Document Type

A Human Resource Analyst can view document type for document types in their document type security profile

Role: Mass Download Document Records

Privilege: View Document Type (Data)

Resource: HR Document Type

HR Document Type

A Human Resource Analyst can view document type for document types in their document type security profile

Role: View HR Document Type

Privilege: View Document Type (Data)

Resource: HR Document Type

HR Document Type

A Human Resource Analyst can view document type for document types in their document type security profile

Role: View Person Documentation

Privilege: View Document Type (Data)

Resource: HR Document Type

HR Job

A Human Resource Analyst can choose hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Resource Analyst can report hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Absence Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Resource Analyst can report hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Availability Patterns Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Resource Analyst can report hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Career Development Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Resource Analyst can report hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Resource Analyst can report hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Leave Donation Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Resource Analyst can report hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Performance Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Resource Analyst can report hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Resource Analyst can report hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Assignment Salary Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Resource Analyst can report hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Resource Analyst can view hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: View Employment Information Summary

Privilege: View HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job

HR Job

A Human Resource Analyst can view hr job for all jobs in the enterprise

Role: View HR Job

Privilege: View HR Job (Data)

Resource: HR Job


A Human Resource Analyst can assign journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Journeys Read Only

Privilege: Assign Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Human Resource Analyst can assign journey to self for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Journeys Read Only

Privilege: Assign Journey to Self (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Human Resource Analyst can view journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Guided Journeys Read Only

Privilege: View Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey


A Human Resource Analyst can view journey for journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Journeys Read Only

Privilege: View Journey (Data)

Resource: Journey

Journey Allocation

A Human Resource Analyst can view journey allocation for allocations of journey templates to which they have been granted access that have been initiated by persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Journey Allocations Read Only

Privilege: View Journey Allocation (Data)

Resource: Journey Allocation

Journey Scheduled Allocation

A Human Resource Analyst can view journey allocation for allocations of journey templates to which they have been granted access that have been initiated by persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Journey Scheduled Allocations Read Only

Privilege: View Journey Allocation (Data)

Resource: Journey Scheduled Allocation

Journey Task

A Human Resource Analyst can view journey task library for all tasks in the journey task library

Role: Use REST Service - All Tasks in Journey Task Library Read Only

Privilege: View Journey Task Library (Data)

Resource: Journey Task

Legal Employer

A Human Resource Analyst can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Human Resource Analyst

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legal Employer

A Human Resource Analyst can choose legal employer for legal employers in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Legal Employer (Data)

Resource: Legal Employer

Legislative Data Group

A Human Resource Analyst can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Human Resource Analyst

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Data Group

A Human Resource Analyst can choose legislative data group for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Legislative Data Groups List of Values

Privilege: Choose Legislative Data Group (Data)

Resource: Legislative Data Group

Legislative Position Attribute

A Human Resource Analyst can view legislative position attribute for countries in their country security profile

Role: View Positions

Privilege: View Legislative Position Attribute (Data)

Resource: Legislative Position Attribute


A Human Resource Analyst can choose location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Resource Analyst can report location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Absence Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Resource Analyst can report location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Availability Patterns Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Resource Analyst can report location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Career Development Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Resource Analyst can report location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Resource Analyst can report location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Leave Donation Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Resource Analyst can report location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Performance Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Resource Analyst can report location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Resource Analyst can report location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Assignment Salary Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Resource Analyst can report location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Location (Data)

Resource: Location


A Human Resource Analyst can view location for all locations in the enterprise

Role: View Location

Privilege: View Location (Data)

Resource: Location

Mass Download Document Record

A Human Resource Analyst can report mass download document record for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile who perform mass downloads of document records

Role: Document Record Mass Download Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Mass Download Document Record (Data)

Resource: Mass Download Document Record

Payroll Checklist

A Human Resource Analyst can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist

Payroll Checklist

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist

Payroll Checklist

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Flow

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist

Payroll Checklist

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Process or Report

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist

Payroll Checklist Annotation

A Human Resource Analyst can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist Annotation

Payroll Checklist Annotation

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist Annotation

Payroll Checklist Annotation

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Flow

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist Annotation

Payroll Checklist Annotation

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Process or Report

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Checklist Annotation

Payroll Flow Definition

A Human Resource Analyst can choose payroll flow definition for payroll flow patterns in their payroll flow pattern security profile

Role: Human Resource Analyst

Privilege: Choose Payroll Flow Pattern Data OBSOLETE

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition

Payroll Flow Definition

A Human Resource Analyst can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition

Payroll Flow Definition

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition

Payroll Flow Definition

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Flow

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition

Payroll Flow Definition

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Process or Report

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition

Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

A Human Resource Analyst can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Flow

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: Submit a Payroll Process or Report

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Task

A Human Resource Analyst can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task

Payroll Flow Definition Task

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task

Payroll Flow Definition Task Interaction

A Human Resource Analyst can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Interaction

Payroll Flow Definition Task Interaction

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile and payroll flows in their payroll flow security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Interaction

Payroll Flow Definition Task Parameter

A Human Resource Analyst can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Task Parameter

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Parameter

Payroll Flow Definition Task Property

A Human Resource Analyst can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Property

Payroll Flow Definition Task Property

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Definition Task Property

Payroll Flow Task Action

A Human Resource Analyst can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Task Action

Payroll Flow Task Action

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Flow Task Action

Payroll Relationship

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll element entry for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile.

Role: View Payroll Element Entry

Privilege: View Payroll Element Entry (Data)

Resource: Payroll Relationship

Payroll Relationship

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll relationship for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile.

Role: View Payroll Relationship

Privilege: View Payroll Relationship (Data)

Resource: Payroll Relationship

Payroll Relationship

A Human Resource Analyst can view person costing for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile.

Role: View Costing for a Person

Privilege: View Person Costing (Data)

Resource: Payroll Relationship

Payroll Statutory Unit

A Human Resource Analyst can choose payroll statutory unit for payroll statutory units in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Payroll Statutory Unit (Data)

Resource: Payroll Statutory Unit

Payroll Task

A Human Resource Analyst can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Task

Payroll Task

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Task

Payroll Task Parameter

A Human Resource Analyst can manage payroll flow patten for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: Manage Payroll Flow Patten (Data)

Resource: Payroll Task Parameter

Payroll Task Parameter

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll flow for legislative data groups in their legislative data group security profile

Role: HCM Extract Definition

Privilege: View Payroll Flow (Data)

Resource: Payroll Task Parameter

Performance Document

A Human Resource Analyst can report performance document for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Performance Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Performance Document (Data)

Resource: Performance Document

Performance Feedback Request

A Human Resource Analyst can report requested feedback for people in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Performance Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Requested Feedback (Data)

Resource: Performance Feedback Request

Performance Goal

A Human Resource Analyst can report career development for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Career Development Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Career Development (Data)

Resource: Performance Goal

Performance Goal

A Human Resource Analyst can report performance goal for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Performance Goal (Data)

Resource: Performance Goal

Performance Goal

A Human Resource Analyst can view development goal by hr for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Development Goal by HR

Privilege: View Development Goal by HR (Data)

Resource: Performance Goal


A Human Resource Analyst can choose person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Human Resource Analyst

Privilege: Choose Person (Data)

Resource: Person


A Human Resource Analyst can manage contact person pii for the contact of the person in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Contact Person PII

Privilege: Manage Contact Person PII (Data)

Resource: Person


A Human Resource Analyst can report person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Career Development Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person (Data)

Resource: Person


A Human Resource Analyst can report person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Documents of Record Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person (Data)

Resource: Person


A Human Resource Analyst can report person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person (Data)

Resource: Person


A Human Resource Analyst can report person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Performance Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person (Data)

Resource: Person


A Human Resource Analyst can report person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Assignment Salary Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person (Data)

Resource: Person


A Human Resource Analyst can report person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person (Data)

Resource: Person


A Human Resource Analyst can search person live for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Person View

Privilege: Search Person Live (Data)

Resource: Person


A Human Resource Analyst can view person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Person View

Privilege: View Person (Data)

Resource: Person

Person Absence Entry

A Human Resource Analyst can report absence record for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Absence Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Absence Record (Data)

Resource: Person Absence Entry

Person Address

A Human Resource Analyst can report person address for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Person Address (Data)

Resource: Person Address

Person Address

A Human Resource Analyst can report person contact address for contacts of the persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Person Contact Address (Data)

Resource: Person Address

Person Address

A Human Resource Analyst can view person address for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Address

Privilege: View Person Address (Data)

Resource: Person Address

Person Address

A Human Resource Analyst can view person address for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Viewing

Privilege: View Person Address (Data)

Resource: Person Address

Person Allocated Checklist

A Human Resource Analyst can view worker journey for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile and journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Worker Journeys Read Only

Privilege: View Worker Journey (Data)

Resource: Person Allocated Checklist

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can access person contact information for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Access Person Contact Information by HR

Privilege: Access Person Contact Information (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can access person identification information for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Access Person Identification Information by HR

Privilege: Access Person Identification Information (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can access personal details for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Access Personal Details by HR

Privilege: Access Personal Details (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can choose person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Human Resource Analyst

Privilege: Choose Person (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can choose worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Worker Assignments List of Values

Privilege: Choose Worker (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can report assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Assignment Salary Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can report person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Human Resource Analyst

Privilege: Report Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can report person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Assignment Salary Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can report person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can report seniority date for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Seniority Date (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can report worker documents of record for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Documents of Record Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Worker Documents of Record (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can search person live for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Person View

Privilege: Search Person Live (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can search person live for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Worker Searches V2

Privilege: Search Person Live (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view assignment summary for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Future Assignment Changes

Privilege: View Assignment Summary (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view assignment summary for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Payroll Relationship

Privilege: View Assignment Summary (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view assignment summary for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Work Relationship

Privilege: View Assignment Summary (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view assignment summary for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Worker Assignment History Details

Privilege: View Assignment Summary (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view eligible jobs for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Eligible Jobs

Privilege: View Eligible Jobs (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view future assignment changes for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Future Assignment Changes

Privilege: View Future Assignment Changes (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll element entry for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile.

Role: View Payroll Element Entry

Privilege: View Payroll Element Entry (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll relationship for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile.

Role: View Payroll Relationship

Privilege: View Payroll Relationship (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view person allocated checklist for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile and checklists to which they have been granted access

Role: View Worker Checklist

Privilege: View Person Allocated Checklist (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Additional Assignment Info

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view person assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Work Terms and Assignment

Privilege: View Person Assignment (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view person contact details for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Access Family and Emergency Contacts by HR

Privilege: View Person Contact Details (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view person costing for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile.

Role: View Costing for a Person

Privilege: View Person Costing (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view person document delivery preferences for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Document Delivery Preferences

Privilege: View Person Document Delivery Preferences (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view person documentation for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Documentation

Privilege: View Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view person extra information for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Access Person Extra Information by HR

Privilege: View Person Extra Information (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view person identifiers for external applications for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Identifiers for External Applications

Privilege: View Person Identifiers for External Applications (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view seniority dates for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Seniority Dates

Privilege: View Seniority Dates (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view worker assignment history details for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Worker Assignment History Details

Privilege: View Worker Assignment History Details (Data)

Resource: Person Assignment

Person Availability Patterns

A Human Resource Analyst can report availability patterns for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Availability Patterns Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Availability Patterns (Data)

Resource: Person Availability Patterns

Person Checklist

A Human Resource Analyst can report person checklist for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person Checklist (Data)

Resource: Person Checklist

Person Checklist

A Human Resource Analyst can view person allocated checklist for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile and checklists to which they have been granted access

Role: View Worker Checklist

Privilege: View Person Allocated Checklist (Data)

Resource: Person Checklist

Person Communication Method

A Human Resource Analyst can report person communication method for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Person Communication Method (Data)

Resource: Person Communication Method

Person Communication Method

A Human Resource Analyst can view person communication method for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Viewing

Privilege: View Person Communication Method (Data)

Resource: Person Communication Method

Person Contact

A Human Resource Analyst can report person contact for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Person Contact

Person Contact

A Human Resource Analyst can view person contact for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Person View

Privilege: View Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Person Contact

Person Contact

A Human Resource Analyst can view person contact for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Viewing

Privilege: View Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Person Contact

Person Contact Relationship

A Human Resource Analyst can view person contact details for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Access Family and Emergency Contacts by HR

Privilege: View Person Contact Details (Data)

Resource: Person Contact Relationship

Person Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can access person contact information for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Access Person Contact Information by HR

Privilege: Access Person Contact Information (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can access person identification information for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Access Person Identification Information by HR

Privilege: Access Person Identification Information (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can access personal details for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Access Personal Details by HR

Privilege: Access Personal Details (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can choose person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workers List of Values

Privilege: Choose Person (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can report person extra information for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person Extra Information (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can report person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Absence Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can report person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Availability Patterns Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can report person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Leave Donation Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can report succession plan incumbent for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Succession Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Succession Plan Incumbent (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can view person biographical for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Biographical Information

Privilege: View Person Biographical (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can view person extra information for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Access Person Extra Information by HR

Privilege: View Person Extra Information (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can view person number for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Number

Privilege: View Person Number (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can view seniority dates for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Seniority Dates

Privilege: View Seniority Dates (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can view worker journey for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile and journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Worker Journeys Read Only

Privilege: View Worker Journey (Data)

Resource: Person Detail

Person Disability

A Human Resource Analyst can report person contact disability for contacts of the persons in their person security profile

Role: Person Disability Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person Contact Disability (Data)

Resource: Person Disability

Person Disability

A Human Resource Analyst can report person disability for persons in their person security profile

Role: Person Disability Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Person Disability (Data)

Resource: Person Disability

Person Disability

A Human Resource Analyst can view person disability for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Person View

Privilege: View Person Disability (Data)

Resource: Person Disability

Person Disability

A Human Resource Analyst can view person disability for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Disability by HR

Privilege: View Person Disability (Data)

Resource: Person Disability

Person Documentation

A Human Resource Analyst can process documents of record expiry for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Process Documents of Record Expiry

Privilege: Process Documents of Record Expiry (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Documentation

A Human Resource Analyst can report worker documents of record for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Documents of Record Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Worker Documents of Record (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Documentation

A Human Resource Analyst can view person documentation for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Mass Download Document Records

Privilege: View Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Documentation

A Human Resource Analyst can view person documentation for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - View HR Document Types List of Values

Privilege: View Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Documentation

A Human Resource Analyst can view person documentation for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Documentation

Privilege: View Person Documentation (Data)

Resource: Person Documentation

Person Driver License

A Human Resource Analyst can report driver license for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Driver License (Data)

Resource: Person Driver License

Person Driver License

A Human Resource Analyst can view person driver license for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Viewing

Privilege: View Person Driver License (Data)

Resource: Person Driver License

Person Email

A Human Resource Analyst can report person contact email for contacts of the persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Person Contact Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Email

A Human Resource Analyst can report person email for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Email

A Human Resource Analyst can view person email for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Viewing

Privilege: View Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Person Identifier for External Applications

A Human Resource Analyst can view person identifiers for external applications for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Identifiers for External Applications

Privilege: View Person Identifiers for External Applications (Data)

Resource: Person Identifier for External Applications

Person Legislative Data

A Human Resource Analyst can view person legislative for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Legislative

Privilege: View Person Legislative (Data)

Resource: Person Legislative Data

Person National Identifier

A Human Resource Analyst can report person contact national identifier for contacts of the persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Person Contact National Identifier (Data)

Resource: Person National Identifier

Person National Identifier

A Human Resource Analyst can report person national identifier for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Person National Identifier (Data)

Resource: Person National Identifier

Person National Identifier

A Human Resource Analyst can view person national identifier for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Viewing

Privilege: View Person National Identifier (Data)

Resource: Person National Identifier

Person Passport

A Human Resource Analyst can report person contact passport for contacts of the persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Person Contact Passport (Data)

Resource: Person Passport

Person Passport

A Human Resource Analyst can report person passport for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Person Passport (Data)

Resource: Person Passport

Person Passport

A Human Resource Analyst can view person passport for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Viewing

Privilege: View Person Passport (Data)

Resource: Person Passport

Person Phone

A Human Resource Analyst can report person contact phone for work phone numbers and private phone numbers granted for contacts of the persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Person Contact Phone (Data)

Resource: Person Phone

Person Phone

A Human Resource Analyst can report person phone for work phone numbers and private phone numbers granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Person Phone (Data)

Resource: Person Phone

Person Phone

A Human Resource Analyst can view person phone for work phone numbers and private phone numbers granted to the user for persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Viewing

Privilege: View Person Phone (Data)

Resource: Person Phone

Person Plan Accrual

A Human Resource Analyst can report donations for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Leave Donation Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Donations (Data)

Resource: Person Plan Accrual

Person Type

A Human Resource Analyst can choose person type for person types in their person type security profile

Role: View Work Terms and Assignment

Privilege: Choose Person Type (Data)

Resource: Person Type

Person Visa

A Human Resource Analyst can report person contact visa for contacts of the persons in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Person Contact Visa (Data)

Resource: Person Visa

Person Visa

A Human Resource Analyst can report person visa for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Reporting

Privilege: Report Person Visa (Data)

Resource: Person Visa

Person Visa

A Human Resource Analyst can view person visa for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Confidential Viewing

Privilege: View Person Visa (Data)

Resource: Person Visa


A Human Resource Analyst can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Compare HCM Information

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Resource Analyst can choose position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Resource Analyst can report position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Absence Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Resource Analyst can report position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Availability Patterns Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Resource Analyst can report position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Career Development Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Resource Analyst can report position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Resource Analyst can report position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Leave Donation Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Resource Analyst can report position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Performance Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Resource Analyst can report position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Resource Analyst can report position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Workforce Assignment Salary Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Resource Analyst can report position for positions in their position security profile

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Position (Data)

Resource: Position


A Human Resource Analyst can view position for positions in their position security profile

Role: View Positions

Privilege: View Position (Data)

Resource: Position

Public Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can choose public assignment for persons and assignments in their public person and assignment security profile

Role: Human Resource Analyst

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Assignment

Public Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can search person deferred for persons and assignments in their public person and assignment security profile

Role: Access Person Gallery

Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Assignment

Public Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can search person deferred for persons and assignments in their public person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Representatives Read Only

Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Assignment

Public Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can search person deferred for persons and assignments in their public person security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only

Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Assignment

Public Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their public person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Representatives Read Only

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Assignment

Public Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their public person security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Assignment

Public Person

A Human Resource Analyst can choose public person for persons and assignments in their public person and assignment security profile

Role: Access Person Spotlight Advanced Search

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Human Resource Analyst can choose public person for persons and assignments in their public person and assignment security profile

Role: Human Resource Analyst

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Human Resource Analyst can choose public person for persons and assignments in their public person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workers List of Values

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Human Resource Analyst can report public person for persons and assignments in their public person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Assignment Salary Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Human Resource Analyst can report public person for persons and assignments in their public person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Human Resource Analyst can search person deferred for persons and assignments in their public person and assignment security profile

Role: Access Person Gallery

Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Human Resource Analyst can search person deferred for persons and assignments in their public person security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only

Privilege: Search Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Human Resource Analyst can view person deferred for persons and assignments in their public person security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Public Workers Read Only

Privilege: View Person Deferred (Data)

Resource: Public Person


A Human Resource Analyst can report salary for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Assignment Salary Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Salary (Data)

Resource: Salary


A Human Resource Analyst can view salary details for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Salaries

Privilege: View Salary Details (Data)

Resource: Salary


A Human Resource Analyst can view salary details for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Salaries With Analytics Read Only

Privilege: View Salary Details (Data)

Resource: Salary


A Human Resource Analyst can view salary with analytic details for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Salaries With Analytics Read Only

Privilege: View Salary With Analytic Details (Data)

Resource: Salary


A Human Resource Analyst can view worker compensation portrait card for people in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Compensation Details for Worker

Privilege: View Worker Compensation Portrait Card (Data)

Resource: Salary

Schedule Assignment

A Human Resource Analyst can report work schedule assignment for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Work Schedule Assignment (Data)

Resource: Schedule Assignment

Secured Payroll Element Type

A Human Resource Analyst can view payroll element entry for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile and for elements in their element security profile

Role: View Payroll Element Entry

Privilege: View Payroll Element Entry (Data)

Resource: Secured Payroll Element Type

Shared Performance Goal

A Human Resource Analyst can report shared performance goal for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Goal Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Shared Performance Goal (Data)

Resource: Shared Performance Goal

Succession Plan Candidate

A Human Resource Analyst can report succession plan candidacy for all public succession plans

Role: Succession Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Succession Plan Candidacy (Data)

Resource: Succession Plan Candidate

Succession Plan Candidate

A Human Resource Analyst can report succession plan candidacy for private succession plans for which they are an administrator or a viewer or a candidate manager

Role: Succession Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Succession Plan Candidacy (Data)

Resource: Succession Plan Candidate

Succession Plan Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can report succession plan for all public succession plans

Role: Succession Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Succession Plan (Data)

Resource: Succession Plan Detail

Succession Plan Detail

A Human Resource Analyst can report succession plan for private succession plans for which they are an administrator or a viewer or a candidate manager

Role: Succession Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Succession Plan (Data)

Resource: Succession Plan Detail

Talent Pool

A Human Resource Analyst can report talent pool for talent pools for which they are owner

Role: Talent Review Meeting Real Time Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Talent Pool (Data)

Resource: Talent Pool

Talent Pool

A Human Resource Analyst can report talent pool for talent pools that they own or are in their talent pools security profile

Role: Succession Management Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Talent Pool (Data)

Resource: Talent Pool

Talent Profile

A Human Resource Analyst can report talent profile for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Talent Profile (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile

Talent Profile Item

A Human Resource Analyst can report talent profile item for jobs in their job security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Talent Profile Item (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile Item

Talent Profile Item

A Human Resource Analyst can report talent profile item for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Profile Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Talent Profile Item (Data)

Resource: Talent Profile Item

Tax Reporting Unit

A Human Resource Analyst can choose tax reporting unit for tax reporting units in their organization security profile

Role: Use REST Service - Workforce Structure List of Values

Privilege: Choose Tax Reporting Unit (Data)

Resource: Tax Reporting Unit

Total Compensation Statement

A Human Resource Analyst can view total compensation statement already generated for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Total Compensation Statements

Privilege: View Total Compensation Statement Already Generated (Data)

Resource: Total Compensation Statement

Vacancy Requisition

A Human Resource Analyst can report vacancy for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Vacancy Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Vacancy (Data)

Resource: Vacancy Requisition

Variable Compensation Allocation

A Human Resource Analyst can enter variable compensation allocation for people and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Manage Individual Compensation

Privilege: Enter Variable Compensation Allocation (Data)

Resource: Variable Compensation Allocation

Work Relationship

A Human Resource Analyst can report work relationship for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Work Relationship (Data)

Resource: Work Relationship

Work Relationship

A Human Resource Analyst can view employment information summary for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Employment Information Summary

Privilege: View Employment Information Summary (Data)

Resource: Work Relationship

Work Relationship

A Human Resource Analyst can view employment termination for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Employment Termination

Privilege: View Employment Termination (Data)

Resource: Work Relationship

Work Relationship

A Human Resource Analyst can view work relationship for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Work Relationship

Privilege: View Work Relationship (Data)

Resource: Work Relationship


A Human Resource Analyst can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Additional Assignment Info

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker


A Human Resource Analyst can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Eligible Jobs

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker


A Human Resource Analyst can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Employment Information Summary

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker


A Human Resource Analyst can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Seniority Dates

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker


A Human Resource Analyst can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Work Relationship

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker


A Human Resource Analyst can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Work Terms and Assignment

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker


A Human Resource Analyst can search worker for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Worker Contract

Privilege: Search Worker (Data)

Resource: Worker

Worker Contract

A Human Resource Analyst can report worker contract for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Workforce Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Worker Contract (Data)

Resource: Worker Contract

Worker Contract

A Human Resource Analyst can view worker contract for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Work Terms and Assignment

Privilege: View Worker Contract (Data)

Resource: Worker Contract

Worker Contract

A Human Resource Analyst can view worker contract for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Worker Contract

Privilege: View Worker Contract (Data)

Resource: Worker Contract

Worker Document Delivery Preferences

A Human Resource Analyst can view person document delivery preferences for document types in their document types security profile belonging to persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: View Person Document Delivery Preferences

Privilege: View Person Document Delivery Preferences (Data)

Resource: Worker Document Delivery Preferences

Worker Journey

A Human Resource Analyst can view worker journey for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile and checklists to which they have been granted access

Role: View Worker Checklist

Privilege: View Worker Journey (Data)

Resource: Worker Journey

Worker Journey

A Human Resource Analyst can view worker journey for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile and journeys to which they have been granted access

Role: Use REST Service - Worker Journeys Read Only

Privilege: View Worker Journey (Data)

Resource: Worker Journey

Workforce Model Plan

A Human Resource Analyst can report workforce model plan for plans that they own or those owned by persons in their person security profile

Role: Workforce Modeling Transaction Analysis

Privilege: Report Workforce Model Plan (Data)

Resource: Workforce Model Plan