Create a Notification Template

Predefined notification templates exist for events related to the user-account life cycle, such as user-account creation and password reset. When templates are enabled, users are notified automatically of events that affect them. To provide your own notifications, you create notification templates.

Follow these steps to create a notification template:

  1. Open the Security Console and click the User Categories tab.

  2. On the User Categories page, click the name of the relevant user category.

  3. On the User Categories: Details page, click the Notifications subtab.

  4. On the User Category: Notifications page, click Edit.

  5. Click Add Template.

  6. In the Add Notification Template dialog box:

    1. Enter the template name.

    2. In the Event field, select a value. The predefined content for the selected event appears automatically in the Message Subject and Message Text fields. Tokens in the message text are replaced automatically in generated notifications with values specific to the user.

    3. Update the Message Subject field, as required. The text that you enter here appears in the subject line of the notification email.

    4. Update the message text, as required.

      This table shows the tokens supported in the message text.





      User name

      • Forgot user name

      • Password expired

      • Password reset confirmation

      • New account created


      User's first name

      All events


      User's last name

      All events


      Manager's first name

      • New account created - manager

      • Password reset confirmation - manager

      • Password reset - manager


      Manager's last name

      • New account created - manager

      • Password reset confirmation - manager

      • Password reset - manager


      URL where the user can sign in

      • Expiring external IDP signing certificate

      • Password expired

      • Password expiry warning


      URL where the users can reset their password

      • New account created - manager

      • New user created

      • Password generated

      • Password reset

      • Password reset - manager


      New line

      All events


      Four spaces

      All events


      URL where an administrator initiates an administration activity

      Administration activity requested


      External identity provider

      Expiring external IDP signing certificate


      Signing certificate

      Expiring external IDP signing certificate


      Signing certificate expiration date

      • Expiring external IDP signing certificate

      • Expiring service provider signing certificate


      Encryption certificate expiration date

      Expiring service provider encryption certificate


      Administrator's first name

      • Administration activity location-based access disabled confirmation

      • Administration activity single sign-on disabled confirmation


      Administrator's last name

      • Administration activity location-based access disabled confirmation

      • Administration activity single sign-on disabled confirmation

    5. To enable the template, select the Enabled option.

    6. Click Save and Close.

  7. Click Save on the User Category: Notifications page.

Note: When you enable an added template for a predefined event, the predefined template for the same event is automatically disabled.