Examples of Position Security Profiles

These scenarios show typical uses of position security profiles. To create a position security profile, use the Manage Position Security Profile task.

Human Resource Specialist Who Manages Position Definitions

Human resource (HR) specialists manage position definitions for specific business units. Each HR specialist has a defined area of responsibility, where the Responsibility Type is set to Human resources representative and the business unit is selected. In the position security profile, you:

  • Secure by area of responsibility.

  • Set Responsibility Type to Human resources representative and Responsibility Scope to Business unit.

You can include this security profile in a data role and provision the role to any HR specialist who manages positions in a business unit.

Tip: You can also secure by position list. For example, you could list positions to add to the set identified using area of responsibility.

Line Manager Who Hires Workers

Line managers in your legal employer can hire workers whose positions are below the managers' own positions in the position hierarchy. The managers' positions must be associated with active assignments. Your enterprise is using the HCM Position Hierarchy. To identify these positions, you:

  • Secure by position hierarchy.

  • Set Top Position to Use positions from all active user assignments.

  • Deselect Include Top Position.

You can include this position security profile in a data role and provision the role to any line manager in your legal employer.