How You Secure Access to Candidates with Job Offers in Manage Job Offer Task

Candidates with job offers from Oracle Recruiting Cloud have offer assignments in Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud. You can secure access to candidates with job offers based on these offer assignments.

Therefore, a human resource specialist, having the Address Job Offer aggregate privilege, can manage candidates with job offers securely in Oracle HCM Cloud before onboarding begins. This topic describes how to secure access to candidates with job offers.

Securing Access to Candidates with Job Offers

To secure access by area of responsibility, you select Candidate with offer in the Area of Responsibility section of the Create Person Security Profile page. Alternatively, you can select the Access to candidates with offer option in the Basic Details section of the Create Person Security Profile page. This option enables you to secure access to person records, including those of candidates with job offers, by criteria other than area of responsibility. For example, you can secure access by manager hierarchy. You can also secure access by workforce structures and global name range if those sections appear in the person security profile. The Workforce Structures and Global Name Range sections appear only if you upgraded from Release 11 to Release 12.

Tip: You can't select both Access to candidates with offer and Candidate with offer. When you select Secure by area of responsibility, the Access to candidates with offer option is no longer available in the Basic Details section.

Ending Access to Candidates with Job Offers

When a candidate with a job offer becomes a pending worker, employee, or contingent worker, the offer assignment becomes inactive. You lose access to the person records of candidates with job offers when their offer assignments are inactive if:

  • You can access only the inactive offer assignment, and the person security profile that secures your access evaluates active and suspended assignments only.

  • Your access is secured by area of responsibility, and you don't have that responsibility for the newly hired worker.

  • The candidate is a rehire, and your previous access was based on the most recently terminated assignment. You lose that access when the worker has an active assignment if you don't also have access to that active assignment.