Person Type in Person Security Profiles

You can secure access to person records based on either their system person type or their user person type. For example, you can secure access to the person records of workers whose system person type is Employee.

When you secure by person type, you can access the person records of workers with active or suspended assignments only. You can't access the person records of terminated workers. This topic explains the effect of the Access value when you secure access to person records by person type.

Restricted Access

When you secure by person type and set Access to Restricted, any other criteria in the security profile also apply. For example, you can select the values shown in this table:


System Person Type


System person type



System person type

Contingent worker


If you also secure access to person records by manager hierarchy in the same person security profile, then both sets of criteria apply. That is:

  • The users can access the person records of employees and contingent workers in their reporting hierarchy.

  • The users can't access person records of other types in the reporting hierarchy or person records outside the reporting hierarchy using this person security profile.

All Access

When you secure by person type and set Access to All, the other criteria in the security profile have no effect. For example, if you set System Person Type to Employee and Access to All, then users can access all employees in the enterprise. Other criteria in the security profile, if any, are ignored for the selected worker type.