Person User Information Reports

This topic describes the Person User Dashboard and Person User Information Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher reports. Use these reports to extract the history of a specified Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM user account. To run the reports, you must inherit the ORA_PER_MANAGE_USER_AND_ROLES_DUTY_OBI duty role.

Several predefined job roles, including IT Security Manager and Human Resource Specialist, inherit this duty role. To run the reports:

  1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area.

  2. Select All Folders > Shared Folders > Human Capital Management > Workforce Management > Human Resources Dashboard.

Both reports appear in the Human Resources Dashboard folder.

Running the Person User Information Reports

Use the Person User Dashboard report to display user account information, specifically the person ID, of a specified user. Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Person User Dashboard entry.

  2. On the Person User Summary page, complete the parameters shown in this table to filter the report and click Apply.



    Display Name

    The user's display name, for example, John Gorman

    Last Name

    The user's last name, for example, Gorman

    Start Date

    The user's start date. Users with start dates equal to or later than this date may appear in the report.

  3. When you have identified the user of interest, copy the person ID from the Person User Information table in the report. You use this person ID in the Person User Information report.

Use the Person User Information report to display the detailed history of a specified user account. Follow these steps:

  1. In the Human Resources Dashboard folder, click Person User Information.

  2. On the Person User Detail page, complete either or both of the parameters shown in this table and click Apply:



    Start Date

    The user's start date. Users with start dates equal to or later than this date may appear in the report.

    Person ID

    The person ID copied from the Person User Dashboard report.

The report output includes:

  • Person information

  • User history

  • Assigned roles and details of the associated role mappings

  • Role delegation details

  • LDAP request details

  • Work relationship and assignment information

To save either of the reports to a spreadsheet, select Actions > Export > Excel .