Role-Based Security

In Oracle Fusion Applications, users have roles through which they gain access to functions and data. Users can have any number of roles.

In this figure, user Lynda Jones has three roles.

This figure shows the user Lynda Jones inheriting three roles. The roles are HR Specialist Vision Operations, Employee and Line Manager.

When Lynda signs in to Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud (Oracle HCM Cloud), she doesn't have to select a role. All of these roles are active concurrently.

The functions and data that Lynda can access are determined by this combination of roles.

  • As an employee, Lynda can access employee functions and data.

  • As a line manager, Lynda can access line-manager functions and data.

  • As a human resource specialist (HR specialist), Lynda can access HR specialist functions and data for Vision Operations.

Role-Based Access Control

Role-based security in Oracle Fusion Applications controls who can do what on which data.

This table summarizes role-based access.




Is a role assigned to a user


Is a function that users with the role can perform

Which Data

Is the set of data that users with the role can access when performing the function

This table provides some examples of role-based access.



Which Data

Line managers

Can create performance documents

For workers in their reporting hierarchies


Can view payslips

For themselves

Payroll managers

Can report payroll balances

For specified payrolls

HR specialists

Can transfer workers

For workers in specified organizations