Role Information on the Analytics Tab

All roles belong to a category. In most cases, the category identifies both the owning product family and the role type. For example, HCM - Job Roles, HCM - Duty Roles, and Common - Abstract Roles are role categories.

On the Analytics tab, you can see these numbers for each role category:

  • Roles in the category

  • Role memberships (roles that are inherited by roles in this category)

  • Function security policies granted to all roles in the category

  • Data security policies granted to all roles in the category

This information appears in a table. The number of roles in each category also appears in a pie chart.

Reviewing Roles on the Analytics Tab

To review role details on the Analytics tab, follow these steps:

  1. Select a role category to populate the Roles in Category section of the Analytics tab.

  2. In the Roles in Category section, you see a list of all roles in the selected category. You can filter the list by entering a value in any of the column search fields and pressing Enter.

  3. For a selected role, click the role name to open the Role Details page.

  4. On the Role Details page, review the role's:

    • Function security policies

    • Data security policies

    • Role hierarchy

    • User memberships (users who have the role)

Click Export to save this role information to a .csv file.