User Details System Extract Report Parameters

The Oracle BI Publisher User Details System Extract Report includes details of Oracle Fusion Applications user accounts. This topic describes the report parameters. Run the report in the Reports and Analytics work area.


User Population

Enter one of the values shown in this table to identify user accounts to include in the report.




User accounts with an associated HCM person record.


User accounts with an associated party record.


Accounts for users in the PER_USERS table who have no person number or party ID. Implementation users are in this category.


HCM, TCA, and LDAP user accounts.

From Date

Accounts for HCM and LDAP users that exist on or after this date appear in the report. If you specify no From Date value, then the report includes accounts with any creation date, subject only to any To Date value.

From and to dates don't apply to the TCA user population. The report includes all TCA users if you include them in the report's user population.

To Date

Accounts for HCM and LDAP users that exist on or before this date appear in the report. If you specify no To Date value, then the report includes accounts with any creation date, subject only to any From Date value.

From and to dates don't apply to the TCA user population. The report includes all TCA users if you include them in the report's user population.

User Active Status

Enter one of the values shown in this table to identify the user-account status.




Include users with active accounts.


Include users with inactive accounts.


Include both active and inactive user accounts.