Process Time Entries in Payroll

Most time card applications and providers apply validation rules when employees submit their time cards.

Typically, you import time entries to payroll by submitting the Load Time Card Batches process. The process validates that the persons in the batch are eligible for the time card elements, and rejects records for terminated employees.

Aspects of working with time card entries include:

  • Validating time card entries

  • Resolving transfer errors

  • Viewing time card entries

  • Viewing costing overrides

  • Correcting time card entries

Validating Time Card Entries

You use the Load Time Card Batches process to transfer time card entries to payroll from Oracle Fusion Time and Labor or a third-party time provider. The payroll application validates the time card entries to confirm that the employee isn't terminated and is eligible for the element.

Resolving Import Errors

Resolve the underlying problem for the error in the Time and Labor application, and then import the corrected entry. Don't manually correct errors in payroll.

For example, if you use Oracle Fusion Time and Labor, you can take the following steps:

  1. The Payroll Manager rolls back individual records or the entire transfer process in payroll.

  2. The Time and Labor administrator corrects the cause of the error, and resets the status of the corrected time cards to Submitted. The administrator routes the time card for approval.

  3. The next time the payroll manager imports the time cards using the Load Time Card Batches process, the process retrieves the corrected time card entries.

If you use a third-party time provider, you can roll back the Load Time Card Batches process. After resolving the transfer error with the time provider, you resubmit the Load Time Card Batches process.

You can continue to import corrected time card entries until the payroll calculation starts for the payroll period that includes the entries. Corrections submitted after that time are processed as a retroactive change in the next payroll period.

Viewing Time Card Entries

Submitting the Load Time Card Batches process creates or updates a time calculation card for each person included in the batch. Use the Calculation Cards task to view time card entries. There's only one time calculation card for each payroll relationship. The card includes time entries for multiple assignments for the same payroll relationship. It displays the employee's time entries for the effective-as-of-date specified on the search. The time that's transferred on Calculation Card captures these values. For more information about the values, refer Time Element Value Definitions.

You can use HCM Experience Design Studio to configure the Time fields on the Calculation Entries page. You can hide or display specific fields, and make specific fields optional or mandatory.

You can configure the following fields on the Calculation Entries - Time region:
  • Time Entries - Detail: Rate Name, Rate Value, Factor, and Periodicity

Viewing Costing Overrides

Some of the time attributes associated with element entries, such as costing overrides, aren't stored on the calculation card. Use the Element Entries task to view these entries. The Costing tab on Element Entries page displays the costing overrides for the effective date used for your search. Costing entry on the time card is at the element entry level, which overrides costing at every level except the priority account.

Based on the primary and secondary classifications you select, the element template may generate indirect elements for calculation. In such scenarios, the element eligibility record of the Results indirect element defines costing. Submitting the Load Time Card Batches process displays costing for imported time entries on the calculation element. If no indirect elements exist, the Load Time Card Batches process displays costing for imported time entries on the base element.

For example, the employee might select a cost center on the time card to reflect where the employee worked overtime. When the payroll calculation process derives the account number for the overtime element, it uses the cost center from the time card. You can view the costing override on the person's calculation card. After you submit the payroll run, you can view the costing results on the Person Process Results page.

Correcting Time Card Entries

Any updates and corrections must occur in the application used to report time. You can continue to import new and updated time entries to payroll until you calculate the payroll for the period that includes the time entries.

If you import a late time card after the payroll is run for that payroll period, you can still process that time entry. Use one of the methods shown in this table.



Pay the time card entries in the next payroll period as retroactive pay

Submit the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process.

The process creates retroactive element entries for each element that has a retroactive change. If the imported time card entry includes a rate change, the element's formula recalculates the amount.

Process QuickPay

  1. Roll back the records processed for the employees from the payroll run.

  2. Submit the Calculate QuickPay process.

Process employees in a separate payroll run

  1. Roll back the records processed for the employees from the payroll run.

  2. Create a payroll relationship group that includes these employees and process a payroll run for the time card entries.