How You Set Configuration Details for an Involuntary Deduction for the US

The US Involuntary Deduction Data section of the Involuntary Deductions card provides basic configuration details for the involuntary deduction.

This field

Is used for these deduction types


CSE Agency Case Identifier

Child Support

Support order case ID assigned by the issuing state or tribal CSE (Child Support Enforcement) agency. In a State CSE case, this is the identifier reported to the Federal Case Registry.


This value appears on field 1l of the IWO form.

Remittance Identifier


Payment identifier of the third-party payment.

If you specify a remittance identifier, these processes include it with the third-party payments:

  • Generate Check Payments for Employees and Third Parties

  • Make EFT Payments

    This is passed in the Case Identifier field on the addenda record.

  • Run Third-Party Involuntary Payment Extract

If you don't provide a remittance identifier, these processes continue to use the reference code.


For child support orders, this value appears on field 1h of the IWO form.

For multiple involuntary orders that have the same remittance identifier, you can enter a unique reference code and enter the same remittance identifier for each order.

Employee Work State

All except:

  • Bankruptcy Order

  • DCIA

  • Educational Loan

  • Tax Levy

Employee work state in the case where it's different from the issuing state. This field is for reference only and doesn't affect the deduction calculation.


In these cases, you must also use the State field on the calculation component to specify the employee work state for support orders.


Child Support

FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) code as provided on the originating order. Issued by the SDU (State Disbursement Unit) receiving the payment.

The Make EFT Payments process passes this field on the electronic funds payment file. It uses FIPS code on the addenda record. This free text entry field has a maximum length of 7.


This value appears on field 24 of the IWO form and is referenced as a locator code.

Support Other Family

Child Support

Identifier for multiple family wage earners. Based on what you select, the payroll process determines the proper Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA) limit to use for disposable income for the governing state.

Setting this value to Yes means the employee is responsible for another spouse or dependent child in addition to the person named in the withholding order.

For example, a person qualifies as supporting other family when:

  1. They are supporting a child living in their home.

  2. They have an active order for another child not living in their home.


An employee can have multiple child support orders with different values set in this field. Use the calculation component's Subprocessing Order to ensure orders with this field set to Yes are processed first.

If the employee has multiple child support orders, and they have different values set in this field,

use the calculation component's Subprocessing Order to ensure orders with this field set to Yes are processed first.

Eligible for Medical Support

Child Support

Family medical insurance coverage availability through employer. Doesn't specify if the employee currently participates in such family medical coverage plan.

The Make EFT Payments process passes this field on the electronic funds payment file. It uses Medical Support on the addenda record.

Payments in Arrears

Child Support

Support payments for the identified order are in arrears.

Arrears Overdue More Than 12 Weeks

Child Support

Identifier for employees with overdue arrears. Based on what you select here, the payroll process determines the proper CCPA limit to use for disposable income for the governing state.


An employee can have multiple child support orders with different values set in this field. Use the calculation component's Subprocessing Order to ensure orders with this field set to Yes are processed first.


This value appears on field 6c of the IWO form.

Filing Status

Creditor Debt


Regional Tax Levy (AZ, MI)

Tax Levy

Filing status for additional exemptions for Creditor Debt and Garnishment deductions in:

  • Alaska

  • Florida

  • Missouri

  • Nebraska

For these states, use this field to designate a Head of Household status.

For the following deduction types, the payroll process uses this value with allowances to determine the proper exemption amount:

  • Federal tax levy

  • Arizona regional tax levy

  • Michigan regional tax levy

Statement of Exemptions Received Date

Regional Tax Levy (AZ, MA, MI, VA)

Tax Levy

For federal tax levies, determines the proper date to retrieve Form 1494 data when calculating exemption amounts.

For regional tax levies, determines the proper date to retrieve state-specific exemption amounts.

If you don't provide a value, the payroll process uses the deduction's start date.

Third-Party Involuntary Deduction Number


Two-digit identifier passed on the Third-Party Involuntary Payments Extract. The value must be unique for each of the person's involuntary deductions.

Legislative Rules Override for Deduction Calculations

All except:

  • Tax Levy

  • Delaware Regional Tax Levy

This field alters the legislative rules. Leave it blank to use the predefined rules for the state and Involuntary Deduction secondary classification.


This field alters the legislative rules and could result in invalid payroll results. Use it with care.

In the rare event that you need this field, you can select from two options.

  • Gross Earnings

  • Disposable Income

For example, legislative rules state the maximum deduction for Georgia garnishments is the lesser of:

  • 25% of disposable income

  • Disposable income - (30 * Federal Minimum Wage)

In this case, if you select Gross Earnings, the payroll process would take the lesser of:

  • 25% of gross earnings

  • Gross earnings - (30 * Federal Minimum Wage)

To remove this override after having set it, clear the value you entered for the field.


Before Release 19D, this field was named Earnings Type for Deduction Calculations. In addition to altering the legislative rules, it overrode the earnings source used in rate calculations.

To change the earnings source for rate calculations, you now use the Earnings Type for Deduction Calculations calculation value definition on the card component.

Document Tracking Number

Child Support

Unique identifier assigned by the entity sending the order.


This value appears on field 15 of the IWO form.