Publication 1494 Tax Levies

For federal tax levies that use publication 1494, use the Tax Levy secondary classification for the calculations.

For Arizona tax levies that use publication 1494, use the Regional Tax Levy classification.

The payroll process derives the Publication 1494 values from calculation value definitions. For tax levies with a Statement of Exemption Received Date on or after January 1, 2022, the payroll process derives the Publication 1494 values from a formula.

How to Change Employee Exemptions

The Statement of Exemptions Received Date determines which yearly publication 1494 the tax levy calculations use. The payroll process uses the publication for the received date for the duration of the tax levy.

If an employee requests a change to their number of exemptions, and the IRS grants it, you can set a new Statement of Exemptions Received Date.

  1. Open the employee's Involuntary Deductions card for editing.

  2. On the appropriate card component, select the US Involuntary Deduction Data calculation component detail.

  3. Specify the new statement of exemptions received date.


For orders received on or after May 1, 2018, the employee is no longer entitled to an exemption for self. If you enter an override value for total allowances after this date, don't include one for self.