Update Payroll During Change Assignment Transaction

You can update an employee’s payroll while updating their assignment. Use the Change Assignment quick action to either transfer the employee to a new payroll or edit the existing one.

For example, when an employee transfers to a new department and changes from a monthly to a weekly payroll, you can capture the new payroll as part of the Change Assignment transaction. You can also update Payroll Assignment info such as Timecard required and Overtime Period.

Accessibility Steps

  1. Select the Change Assignment quick action.
  2. Choose the assignment you want to update.
  3. Select Payroll Details.
  4. Fill in the When and Why section and the other selected regions.
  5. Continue to the Payroll Details section.
    • If the assignment doesn't have an assigned payroll already, you can create one.
    • If the assignment has an assigned payroll, you can either edit the current payroll frequency or transfer to a new one.
  6. When you select Edit Current Payroll Frequency, the Payroll Frequency fields become editable.
  7. If you select Transfer to a New Payroll Frequency, you can enter the new payroll frequency details.

The new payroll frequency record will be created with the assignment change start date entered in the When and Why section. The current payroll frequency record will be ended as of the day before.

Usage Tips

The options may not be available in certain conditions:

  • Edit option is unavailable when:
    • Both the Overtime Period for Payroll and Time Card Required for Payroll are hidden using Transaction Design Studio.
  • Transfer option is unvailable when:
    • A future-dated payroll transfer already exists for the assignment or if the assignment has future-dated changes (such as a termination).
  • When the employee no longer has an active payroll frequency (either because of termination or because the assignment was ended), the Current Payroll Frequency will be blank.
  • Payroll region is hidden (even if selected from the questionnaire) under the following conditions:
    • If the selected assignment doesn’t have a payroll relationship.
    • When the Worker type is Contingent Worker or Non-worker.
    • If the user doesn't have the security privileges to access the payroll region.
  • The payroll region is read-only if:
    • The action selected in When and Why is either End Assignment or End Temporary Assignment.
    • The logged-in user only has access to the payroll region in read-only.
    • The selected assignment is inactive. Use the Manage Payroll Relationship Quick Action to make necessary updates to the assignment’s payroll after termination.


Once the Change Assignment is submitted, it goes through approval (if approval is configured). Payroll changes are part of the approval process and won’t be committed until the Change Assignment has been approved.

You can’t make further changes to the employee’s assigned payroll via Manage Payroll Relationship until the approval process is complete: the Payroll and Other Info sections are locked for edit.

Rules on locking Manage Payroll Relationship

  • Payroll Association Region
    If you start a Change Assignment transaction, and in the Payroll Section you take one of the following actions, the lock status of the Payroll Association region on the Manage Payroll Relationship will vary as described below:
    Action Lock Status
    Click on Edit but don't make any changes Locked
    Click on Edit but don't make any changes, then click Cancel button Won't be locked
    Click on Edit and make a change Locked
    Click on Edit and make a change, then click Cancel button Won't be locked
  • Payroll Details Region
    If you start a Change Assignment transaction, and in the Other Info Section you take one of the following actions, the lock status of the Payroll Assignment Details region on the Manage Payroll Relationship will vary as described below:
    Action Lock Status
    Make a change Locked
    No changes
    • Locked if Other Info is enabled
    • Won't be locked if Other Info is disabled using Transaction Design Studio

Save for Later Option

When using the Save for Later option on Change Assignment, any changes made in the payroll region will be saved and a transaction can be discarded or resumed at a later date. However, the following conditions might invalidate the saved transaction:
  • A payroll transfer is entered as part of the Change Assignment transaction and saved for later. In the meantime another payroll transfer is recorded through the Manage Payroll Relationship task. When resuming the Change Assignment transaction, the following error message is raised in the When and Why section: "This transaction is no longer valid because the payroll association changed after it was saved. Discard it and start a new one."
  • Other Info attributes are entered or updated as part of the Change Assignment transaction and saved for later. In the meantime changes are also made to the same attributes through the Manage Payroll Relationship task. When resuming the Change Assignment transaction, the following error message is raised in the When and Why section: "This transaction is no longer valid because the payroll assignment details changed after it was saved. Discard it and start a new one."


The Payroll Details region is secured using the following aggregate privileges:
Aggregate Privileges Job Roles
Manage Payroll Relationship



  • Payroll Manager
  • Payroll Administrator
  • Human Resource Manager
  • Human Resource Specialist
  • Payroll Interface Coordinator
View Payroll Relationship



Human Resource Analyst

By default, the payroll region is enabled. To disable it, create a rule in Transaction Design Studio.


  • Approval notification does not include the payroll changes. Approvers will not be able to see what changes, if any, were made to any of the payroll fields. This will be delivered in subsequent release.
  • If you disable the region, then enable it at a later date, the predefined rules controlling whether the region is displayed or not will be disabled.
  • You can set the Retain Employment Changes profile option to Yes, to enable valid employment changes to be retained in the in-progress transaction when the user changes the effective date. Payroll data isn't retained, even with profile option set to Yes.
  • You can create Auto-complete rules to either validate the New Payroll Frequency or default it based on assignment attributes.
Note: You must be cautious while making the payroll frequency field mandatory in the Change Assignment flow, as it may cause issues in certain circumstances. Consider the following scenario: an employee isn't currently on a payroll. You start a Change Assignment and select the payroll region from the questionnaire. When the payroll region is opened, a new payroll record is automatically created, however the logged-in user only has access to the region in read-only mode.