View Payments

View Payment data to verify payee, amount and payment status information from different areas for accuracy.

Work Area

This table shows you the advantages of viewing payment information from the different payroll work areas. Depending on where you're in the process, you may want to view the process results directly from the person record or the process results. Use Person Process Results to view the process results for a person or use Process Results Summary to locate the process and view all results.

Payroll Phase

Work Area Starting Point

Available Tasks

Working on the current payroll or QuickPay run

Payroll Checklist

On the Payroll Flow checklist page, click the Task Details tab to see a list of payment tasks and their statuses.

Navigate to the Payroll Flow Processes and Reports tab for a particular task and perform standard task actions, such as Mark for Retry, Retry, and Roll Back.

For a completed process, view the output of the process or navigate to the Process Results Summary or to the Person Process Results to view individual payment results and take corrective action.

Working on tasks for different payroll periods or payroll runs


Use the Payments search in the regional area to query payments by payment method, payee, or legislative data group. You can view payment details, but you can't select actions from the Payments search results.

Use Process Results Summary to search for a payment process.

You can also use the Person Process Results navigate to the payment results and take corrective action.

Type of Payment Information

Use this table to decide which type of payment information you want to view.


Process Results

Person Results

User Interface

Query the payroll flow from the Overview page of the Payroll Checklist and go to the task you want to view.

Use the Person Process Results task.


Use the Payroll Register to view summary-level payment information for a payroll run.

Use the Payroll Register to view detailed, person-level payment information