Delivery Options for Extract-Based Payroll Reports

When running the following payroll reports, use Report Category to define multiple delivery options.

Report name

For more info, check here in the Help Center

Deduction Report

Deduction Report

Gross-to-Net Report

Gross-to-Net Report for the US

Payment Register Report

Payment Register Report for the US

Periodic Payroll Activity Report

Periodic Payroll Activity Report for the US

Payroll Balance Report

Payroll Balance Report for the US

Periodic Payroll Register Report

Periodic Payroll Register Report for the US

Periodic Statutory Deduction Register

Periodic Statutory Deduction Register for the US

Third-Party Payment Register

Third-Party Payment Register Report for the US

The report category represents a grouping of delivery options. Delivery options define where and how the process delivers its report output, including:

  • File format

  • Template

  • Optional destination, such as an FTP server


You can also define your own delivery options and include them in the report category. For example, you can define a delivery option to use Microsoft Excel output for a single submission of the report. For further info, see the steps below.

Use this field to show the list of delivery options available for the extract definition. If you leave it blank, the process uses the existing PDF delivery option.

Here's how to define a delivery option.

  1. Start the Extract Definitions task.

  2. Click Show Filters.

  3. Search for and select the name and type of report for which you're defining the delivery option.

    For example, for the Payment Register, enter Global Payment Register as the name and Archive Retrieval as the type.

  4. Select Deliver.

    Extract Delivery Options shows the current delivery options.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Enter a name for your delivery option and the delivery type.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Enter these details.

    Field name

    What it does

    Output Type

    Defines the file type of the output.


    Enter the directory location of the report output.

    Template Name

    Enter the name of the report template for your output type.

    Output Name

    Enter name of the report output file, such as CSV Register. The default is the delivery option name you provided.


    Selecting this value means the user must explicitly select a delivery option when running the report, rather than just accepting the PDF default.

  9. Depending on the output type you selected, you might have additional fields to set.

    Delivery type

    What it does


    Sends the output report as an attachment through email.

    You must set a source and destination email address. You can also provide additional reply-to, CC, and BCC addresses, email subject, and an email body.


    Pushes the output report to an FTP server.

    You must provide the remote directory, remote file name, and server name.

    WebCenter Content

    Generates content suitable for storing in your Oracle WebCenter repository.

    You must set an encryption mode and integration name. You can also set compression options and an encryption key.


    Produces the output as an attachment directly to the results of the process flow.

  10. Click OK.

    The new delivery option is saved, and you can select it when you create the Report Category.

  11. Create any additional delivery options.

    For example, you can create a delivery option that generates a PDF file of the Payroll Register and have it delivered by email.

  12. Click Save and Close.

When you run the register, select the newly created report category to deliver the register in Excel in the Documents of Record.