Troubleshoot Involuntary Deduction Processing

You might experience the following issues when processing involuntary deductions in payroll.

What happened

How you can resolve it

The wage basis rules you configured for tax levy time-of-writ deductions were ignored during payroll processing

Configuring wage basis rules to exclude element classifications isn't a suitable alternative for configuring time-of-writ deductions for tax levies. The payroll process doesn't refer to the wage basis rules when it determines what liabilities the employee had at the time a levy was served.

You must configure the appropriate deductions at time-of-writ calculation values. For further info, see Deductions at Time-of-Writ on the Help Center.

Credit card tips were included in disposable income calculations

These types of tips aren't subject to disposable income calculations.

  1. When defining elements for credit card tips, use the Supplemental Earning primary classification and Tips Supplemental secondary classification.

  2. Update the wage basis rules for the secondary classification to mark it as not subject to disposable income.

For further info, see Involuntary Deduction Wage Basis Rules for the US in the Help Center.

You receive a message that a creditor debt deduction wasn't allowed

You defined a Creditor Debt involuntary deduction for a state that doesn't allow them.

  1. End date the current deduction.

  2. Check the original order, and define the correct deduction.

For further info, see Creditor Debt Deductions in the Help Center.

You receive a message that a garnishment deduction wasn't allowed

You defined a Garnishment involuntary deduction for a state that doesn't allow them.

  1. End date the current deduction.

  2. Check the original order, and define the correct deduction.

For further info, see Garnishment Deductions for the US in the Help Center.

You receive a message that a state tax levy deduction wasn't allowed

You defined a Regional Tax Levy involuntary deduction for a state that doesn't allow them.

  1. End date the current deduction.

  2. Check the original order, and define the correct deduction.

For further info, see State Tax Levy Deductions in the Help Center.

An employee has a bankruptcy deduction that's being partially deducted because of a higher priority involuntary deduction

  1. Check your payroll results, and confirm the deduction priorities.

  2. If the priorities were in error, make the appropriate corrections and reprocess payroll for this employee.

    If the priorities are accurate, you must notify your bankruptcy payee of the partial payment.

An employee has one or more involuntary deductions with higher priorities than a support order

This might impact your payroll calculations. Check your payroll results. If the calculations are incorrect:

  1. Roll back payroll for the affected employee.

  2. Adjust the subprocessing order on the Involuntary Deductions card calculation component so the support order has a lower number than the other components.

  3. Rerun payroll for the employee.

An employee has one or more active involuntary support orders, and they aren't assigned to the work state.

  1. Use the Calculation Cards task to review the employee's Involuntary Deductions card support components.

  2. Update all support orders to use the employee's work state.


The card component continues to use the original state's overrides.

An employee's involuntary deductions weren't as expected (such as seen in the Involuntary Deductions Audit Report)

Could be due to one of the following.

  • You haven't upgraded the involuntary deduction element recently.

  • The employee has concurrent involuntary deduction orders in a state that doesn't allow them.

  • The person has a Creditor Debt, Garnishment, or Regional Tax Levy involuntary deduction for a state that doesn't allow them.

    1. End date the current deduction.

    2. Check the original order, and define the correct deduction.

  • An involuntary deduction didn't process because it's in suspended status.

  • An involuntary deduction didn't process because it has expired.

    Notify the issuing agency for further instructions, or end date the order.

  • An involuntary deduction didn't process because its total owed had been satisfied during a prior run.

    Notify the issuing agency for further instructions, or end date the order.

  • A partial deduction was taken for a deduction because its total owed was met in this pay period.

Check your payroll messages for details.

The Involuntary Deductions Audit Report displays Requires element upgrade in the Output column for one or more rows

Use the Element Upgrade flow to upgrade your elements. When complete, rerun the Audit Report.

For further info, see Upgrade Involuntary Deductions for the US in the Help Center.

The Payroll Data Validation Report returns this message:

This employee has an incompatible combination of involuntary deduction elements. Run the Element Upgrade process against your involuntary deduction elements.

Use the Element Upgrade flow to upgrade your elements.

For further info, see the following in the Help Center.

  • Upgrade Involuntary Deductions for the US

  • Validation Report for Payroll for the US