Generate Spreadsheet Templates for Element Entry with Costing

As a Payroll manager or an administrator, you can generate the HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader template for a single element or a group of elements using the Generate HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Template payroll flow.

Using the Generate HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader Template payroll flow, you can automatically configure spreadsheet templates for bulk-loading element entries, based on your elements definition.

Here are some points to consider when generating spreadsheet templates:

  • You can access generated templates through Spreadsheet Templates task in Data Exchange work area

  • The name of the template is auto generated and is represented as <Element_Name> followed by the date and time stamp. For example: CRFL RRF EARNINGS US_20210806_110234 where CRFL RRF EARNINGS US is the element name and 20210806_110234 is the date and time stamp

  • It's recommended that you rename the auto generated template name to help the users who access it

  • You need to assign the roles that should have access to the template and the data set access that each of those roles have

  • Generated templates are created in Draft mode. You need to set the Status to Active for the template to be available to the roles you've assigned to it

  • The template can be generated for standard earnings, supplemental earnings, voluntary deductions and pretax deductions without any secondary classification. The category must be Standard for all these classifications.

There are three parameters in this flow:


What you need to know

Business Object Name

You need to select the Element Entry with Costing value to generate the template for this object. This parameter currently has a single value.

Entity Type

This parameter has two values - Element Group and Element. You can generate the spreadsheet template for multiple elements using Element Group value in this parameter. Create element group using Object Group task with the list of elements for which the spreadsheet template to be generated. You can generate spreadsheet template for a single element using Element value in this parameter.

Entity Name

The list of values in this parameter is dependent on the Entity Type parameter. If you select Element Group, it shows the list of element groups that are created using Object Group task. If you select Element, it will show the list of elements.

Once you have selected the appropriate values and the submitted the flow, it submits two sub-flows. One flow validates the data selected and the second flow creates the spreadsheet template.

After the successful completion of both flows, for the successfully created elements, you can view the generated template names on the Process Results page. To see if any template wasn't created for an element, see Messages.


Ensure that Process is selected in the View By option to view the messages for the submitted flow.