Guidelines for Loading Department Trees

A department tree is a hierarchy of departments. For each tree, you can define multiple versions. However, only one version can be active on any date.

This topic describes aspects of Department Tree objects that you must understand to load them successfully using HCM Data Loader.

How Department Trees Are Implemented

Department trees are implemented using two HCM Data Loader objects. This table introduces those objects.



Department Tree

The definition of a tree and the versions of the tree. A tree version is empty until you load department tree nodes for the tree version.

Department Tree Node

The department tree nodes for a tree version. Each node represents a department.

Preparing Department Trees for Use

After loading department tree nodes, you must flatten, audit, and activate your tree version. You can't reference your tree version from other objects, such as Area of Responsibility, until it's active. You can activate your tree version on the Manage Department Trees page in the Workforce Structures work area. In summary, you:

  1. Search for and select your department tree.

  2. Expand the hierarchy and select the version to activate.

  3. Select Actions > Set Status > Active to activate the tree version. The tree flattening and audit occur automatically.

For more information about managing hierarchy trees, see the Implementing Global Human Resources guide.

Loading Department Trees

You supply department-tree data in the DepartmentTree.dat file for processing by HCM Data Loader. The TreeStructureCode attribute of both the department tree and the department tree version must be set to PER_DEPT_TREE_STRUCTURE for a department tree.


When you load a new department tree version for an existing department tree, you must include the Department Tree component in the DepartmentTree.dat file. You can't load a new department tree version in isolation.

METADATA|DepartmentTreeNode|TreeStructureCode|TreeCode|TreeVersionName|DepartmentId(SourceSystemOwner)|DepartmentId(SourceSystemId) |DepartmentName|ParentDepartmentId(SourceSystemOwner)|ParentDepartmentId(SourceSystemId)|ParentDepartmentName |SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemIdMERGE|DepartmentTreeNode|PER_DEPT_TREE_STRUCTURE|AdministrativeHierarchy|AdministrativeHierarchy_December2020 |HRC_SQLLOADER|AdministrativeHierarchy_Org_SS_ID_000001||||||
MERGE|DepartmentTreeNode|PER_DEPT_TREE_STRUCTURE|AdministrativeHierarchy |AdministrativeHierarchy_December2020|HRC_SQLLOADER|AdministrativeHierarchy_Org_SS_ID_000002||HRC_SQLLOADER|AdministrativeHierarchy_Org_SS_ID_000001|||

Deleting Department Trees

You can delete Department Tree and Department Tree Version components using HCM Data Loader. When you delete a department tree, the tree and all of its versions and nodes are deleted.


The departments themselves aren't deleted. Only the relationships defined in the tree structure are deleted.

This example DepartmentTree.dat file deletes a department tree:

DELETE|DepartmentTree|PER_DEPT_TREE_STRUCTURE|Department Tree Code

If you delete a department tree version, then only the specified version and its nodes are deleted. The tree and its other versions are retained. This example DepartmentTree.dat file deletes a department tree version:

DELETE|DepartmentTreeVersion|PER_DEPT_TREE_STRUCTURE|Department Tree Code|Tree Version Feb