Guidelines for Loading Goals

Goals represent the objectives of employees and organizations. This topic describes aspects of the Goal object that you must understand to load goals successfully.

Ensure that there are no pending performance or development goal transactions for specific workers before you make any additional changes by uploading goals using HCM Data Loader.

Goal Types

This table identifies the types of goals that you can load using HCM Data Loader.

Goal Type


Organization goal

Created by a manager for a specific organization.

Template goal

Used in goal plans.

Worker goal

Assigned to a worker by a manager or human resource specialist. Two types of worker goals exist:

  • Development goals

  • Performance goals


You can also load library goals using HCM Data Loader (HDL). You load library goals as profile content items. You can refer to library goals from other goal objects.

When you load goals in the Goal.dat file, you can include the GoalTypeCode attribute. This value is validated using the HRG_GOAL_TYPE lookup type. For organization goals, specify the value of the GoalTypeCode attribute as PERFORMANCE, which is the default value.

You can specify the value of the GoalVersionTypeCode attribute only as ACTIVE. if you don't specify any value, the attribute value defaults to ACTIVE.


When you load goals using HDL, approvals aren't triggered.

Goal Components

The components that you can supply when loading goals depend on the goal type. This table identifies when you can provide each component.

Goal Component

Goal Type



Goal Action


Goal Plan Goal

  • Worker performance goals

  • Organization goals

  • Template goals

Goal Target Outcome

  • Worker goals

  • Template goals

Goal Measurement



You can specify only one Goal Measurement component for a development goal.

Goal Access

  • Worker goals

Goal Alignment

  • Worker performance goals

  • Organization goals

Profile Options

This table identifies profile options that must be both enabled and set to Y for successful loading of goal components.

Profile Option

What the Option Enables


Alignment of goals in the Goal Alignment component


Shared goals in the Goal Access component


Creation of goal target outcomes in the Goal Target Outcome component


Creation of goal tasks in the Goal Action component

  • To enable profile options, use the Manage Profile Options task.

  • To set the value of a profile option, use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

Perform both tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Deleting Goals

You can delete Goal objects using HCM Data Loader. When you delete a parent Goal object, these child components are also deleted automatically:

  • Goal Access

  • Goal Action

  • Goal Alignment, where GoalId or AlignedGoalId identifies the goal that you're deleting

  • Goal Plan Goal

  • Goal Target Outcome

You can also delete child components individually, if required.

Goal Measurement components aren't deleted automatically when you delete the parent goal using HCM Data Loader. You must delete Goal Measurement components explicitly before deleting the parent goal. This example Goal.dat file deletes a Goal Measurement component. The parent goal is identified by its source key.


This example Goal.dat file deletes a goal and its child components, other than Goal Measurement. The goal is identified by its source key.
