Guidelines for Loading Workload Plans for Workforce Scheduling

You can establish a daily workload requirement to use as a goal for Workforce Scheduling activities across any date range and times. Import baseline, adjusted, and actual workload data for schedules using the WorkloadPlan object and HCM Data Loader.

The WorkloadType attribute values identify the type of data being imported:

  • Baseline: A longer-term requirement for several months, quarters, or year, such as a budget.
  • Adjusted: A medium-term requirement for a user-defined duration, such as a forecast, or a plan update to use in place of the budgeted value.
  • Actual: A shorter-term requirement used from a-real time information collection app, such as an electronic medical records or point-of-sale app, to provide actual information. You use this attribute in place of the adjusted value.

Workforce Scheduling retains each requirement and the Workload Consolidation process applies logic to identify the best current value to use.

  • It looks for the most recent workload in this order: Actual, then the adjusted, and finally baseline.
  • It stops looking as soon as it finds the appropriate workload.

When schedulers generate their workforce schedules, the corresponding coverage variance calculations use those most recent workload requirements. The coverage variances are the difference between the current workload requirements and the scheduled shifts.

The workload plan import supports get, create, update, and delete actions on the workload plan information. You can also edit and delete existing workload records by providing the surrogate, user, or primary keys when using HCM Data Loader.


The HCM Data Loader process for the WorkloadPlan object does these validations:

  • All required parameters have valid values.

    • Workload Type values need to be Baseline, Adjusted, or Actual.
    • Start and end time values need to be in the HH:MM format.
    • Start times need to be in 15-minute intervals, for example, it processes records with start times of 9:00, 9:15, 9:30 or 9:45, but ignores records with start times of 9:07, 9:19, or 9:53.
    • Workload Plan Code value for gets and updates needs to exist in Workforce Scheduling.
    • Workload value can't exceed 24 hours and needs to be a positive integer, not a decimal or negative value. For a shift duration of 1200 to 1600, the Workload value needs be divisible by 4 to be an integer.
    • Provided values for these attributes need to exist in Oracle Fusion Cloud Global Human Resources:

      • Department name
      • Location code
      • Job family name
      • Scheduling group
      • Job code
      • Position code
    • Provide Unit of Measure value needs to match a lookup meaning in the ORA_HTS_WORKLOAD_UOM lookup, for example, Workers, Hours, or Minutes.
  • End date is on or after the provided start date and the corresponding end time is after the start time.
  • Delete actions are ignored for these conditions:

    • An active schedule generation period overlaps the start and end times provided for the delete
    • If the delete occurs inside the 36-month retention period