How You Use Delivered Rules

Some business objects already have some delivered rules that are inactive by default. To use a delivered rule, first create a copy of the delivered rule and then select the Active check box in the rule editor.

When you create a copy, select a name for the rule keeping in mind the purpose it serves for you. You can't however change the business object, the rule type, and the field name (for field-level rule types). You can make as many copies of it as you want.


When providing a rule name, avoid using special characters, for example ":" or "'".

Rule Copy

To use a delivered rule as a final or starting point of your intended rule definition, you need to make a copy of it. If the rule is exactly what you want to implement, then this will be helpful when you have value variations of the same rule. For example, a value variation is one where the logic is same for 2 countries but the specific default assignment changes based on the country. Since you can't implement a case or switch statement in Autocomplete Rules, it's recommended you make a copy of a rule for each country rather than writing complex nested IF conditions. This can also help with debugging issues in distributed development where multiple personnel are responsible for different work areas.

Ask these questions to decide whether to create one rule or many rules. Is the logic in each rule mutually exclusive? Does one rule potentially influence the other? All rules will attempt to trigger on the same object at the same time (or event) as dictated by the rule type. If the rule logic needs to be sequential, then you must have it in one rule. You may see this case with Pattern Matching.

If the delivered rule isn't exactly what you want to implement, you can first make one copy of the rule, edit it to suit your needs, and then make multiple copies of your edited rule to account for the value variations of the rule.

Rule Edit

It's recommended to edit the rule when it's close to what you want to implement. However, when you edit a delivered rule, you can't copy and paste, increase or decrease indentation, and use other editing techniques commonly found in scripting editors. It's recommended you edit a predefined rule when you want to do any of these things:

  • Add a condition to an existing IF block.

  • Change the name of a field to another.

  • Change the value to another.

  • Remove a condition from an existing block

  • Set up your own IF block following what was delivered leveraging all variables set up already and then deleting the delivered IF block.

  • Add additional variables to use for one of the above.

If none of these conditions apply, you must build your own rule by following the steps outlined in rule designing.

Rule Activation

You need to make the copied rule active to use it. However, Oracle reserves the right to edit delivered rules from time to time to incorporate best practices or techniques to avoid problematic scenarios. This won't interfere with your copy of the previously delivered rule.

Rule Testing and Publishing

After testing the rule, you need to publish the sandbox. After publishing the sandbox, any further sandbox created from that environment or a refresh of another environment from the environment in which the rule was published will automatically receive the published rule. This is the only way to migrate rules from one environment to another. Alternatively, if you haven't made significant edits to the delivered rule, you can manually reapply the changes to the delivered rule in the environment where you would like your rule to appear.