How You Configure and Enable Benefits Alerts

You can use the standard Alerts functionality to send automatic notifications to benefits participants for some events. You do this from the Alert Composer page.

To get to this page, click Navigator > Tools > Alerts Composer > .

Benefits Alerts

Benefits alert codes begin with the words BEN. If you see a long list of alerts on the Alerts page, you can display relevant results by searching for BEN in the Search box. To edit an alert, click Actions, and click Edit.



What It Does



Notifies eligible participants of an upcoming open enrollment. You need to schedule this alert using the Run Options tab that you can see when you edit the alert. For example, you can schedule the alert to send the email a couple of weeks before open enrollment starts, with a reminder a week later.

Summary of Elections at Open Enrollment (BEN_ELECTIONS_SUMMARY)


Provides a link to the summary of the participant elections at open enrollment and reminds participants that they have pending actions. Participants get a notification with the summary of their elections.

The notification also provides a link to the Pending Actions self-service page so that participants can quickly get to that page and complete their actions.

Open Enrollment Reminder



Reminds eligible participants on the closing date of the open enrollment. You need to schedule this alert using the Run Options tab when you edit the alert. For example, send a notification 2 weeks before open enrollment closes.

Document approved or rejected (BEN_DOCUMENT_APPROVAL)


Notifies participants that their uploaded document has been approved or rejected. A notification is sent when the document is approved or rejected.

Confirmation of Dependent Added by Court Order (BEN_COURT_ORDER_DEPENDENT_CREATED) Event Notifies participants when a dependent is added, to be covered by a court order
Confirmation of a Self-Declared Event (BEN_REPORT_LIFE_EVENT) Event Notifies participants when a new self-declared event is added

How You Configure Alerts

At a high level, here's what you need to do to enable event alerts and make them available to benefits users.

  1. Enable the alerts you want to use on the Alerts page.

  2. Open the alert for editing, and use the Templates tab if you want to change the wording or format, or add graphics and links.

  3. Use the Run Options tab if you want to define a schedule for event alerts and make any changes to the delivered runtime settings.

How You Modify the Alert's Template

You can find the message text as part of the template of each alert. For example, find and edit the Open Enrollment alert, and click the Templates tab. Then, click Edit > Manage Recipients and Message.

You can modify or reformat the message text. You can select options, such as font, size, and style. You can add graphics or change the links. You can even add or remove the values in parenthesis.

You can even add more templates for the same alert trigger criteria.

How You Enable the Alerts

On the Alerts page, open the benefits alert for editing, and select Yes in the Enabled list. You can either enable all the benefits notifications or enable only the ones you want.

Before You Run the Open Enrollment Resource Alert

Make sure that the following aspects are in place before you run the alert:

  • You need to run the Evaluate Scheduled Event Participation process (Open mode).

  • Participants need to have the Open life event in the Started status and should have some enrollment opportunities.

  • Verify the alert filters, for example, the Life Event Occurred Date filter.

  • Test this resource alert using the Simulate Run option before you run it.

Before You Run the Open Enrollment Reminder Resource Alert

Make sure that the following aspects are in place before you run the alert:

  • You need to run the Evaluate Scheduled Event Participation process (Open mode).

  • You need to run this resource alert within the open enrollment period.

  • Participants need to have the Open life event in the Started status and should have some enrollment opportunities.

  • Verify the alert filters, for example, the Life Event Occurred Date filter.

  • Test this resource alert using the Simulate Run option before you run it.