Reinstatement Rules

Use reinstatement rules to control how life event processing restores participant elections when you back out and reprocess a life event.

You select reinstatement rules on the Life Event tab of the Enrollment page when you create or edit a program or plan in the Plan Configuration work area.

Example: You back out an open enrollment event for a participant to make changes to some benefit offerings and then you reprocess the open event. Reprocessing restores the original participant elections, depending on the reinstatement rule that you configured for the open event.


Reprocessing a backed out life event restores participant elections only if you backed out the life event using the Unprocessed status.

Reinstatement Rules

The following table identifies and describes each reinstatement rule as well as when to use it.



When to Use

Reinstate All If No Electability Change In Life Event

Restore elections if there is no change in the electable choice data between the dates when you backed out and reprocessed the life event.

Example: If a rate value or definition changes, reprocessing doesn't restore the elections.

When changes in electable choices might influence the participant's election decisions and you want the participant to review and make new elections.

Reprocessing uses this rule if you don't make a selection.

Reinstate If No Change for the Backed Out Enrollment

Restore elections if the participant's original elections remain the same after you reprocess the life event.

When participants don't have to reconsider their original election decisions because of new electable choices or changes to electable choices that they didn't choose originally.

Reinstate If Electability Exists for the Backed Out Result

Restore elections as long as the participant is eligible for the electable choices.

Example: You changed the value of an activity rate that the participant originally elected. Reprocessing the life event restores those elections with the new rate, as long as the participant is eligible for that electable choice.


If an activity rate increases, the participants' election automatically increases in cost and the participant might not have an opportunity to reevaluate the election.

When you:

  • Want to apply any changes to the participant's original elections without providing an opportunity for participants to review the changes

  • Don't want participants to review any new electable choices

Reinstate If Electability Exists for the Backed Out Result, Else Apply Defaults

This rule is similar to the Reinstate If Electability Exists for the Backed Out Result. The rule reinstates the elections if electable choices exist. If they don't exist, the participant is enrolled using the configured defaults.

When you want to apply any changes to the participants original elections without requiring the participant to review these changes.

If the participant no longer has electability for some elections, you want to make the elections anyway by using the defaults instead.

Never Reinstate

Doesn't restore elections.

When you:

  • Don't want to restore participant elections after reprocessing the life event

  • Want to use a specific life event to make adjustments or corrections to a benefit offering and you want participants to reevaluate their original elections