Journey Actors

This table describes the actors involved in a journey:

Actor Description
Assignee A person to whom the journey is assigned.
Assignee's Line Manager If a worker has more than one concurrent active assignment and if the task performer or owner is a Line Manager, then the journey task is always assigned to the line manager of the primary assignment of the worker. Therefore, the journey notification is also always sent to the line manager of the primary assignment of the worker.
Assignee's Areas of Responsibility (AoR) If a worker has more than one concurrent active assignment and if the task performer or owner is the AoR, then the journey task is always assigned to the AoRs of the primary assignment of the worker. Therefore, the journey notification is also always sent to the AoR of the primary assignment of the worker.

If you are a task performer or owner, you don't have to enable the Include in Work Contacts option, unless the representative is truly a contact. However, when configuring the AoR, you must specify the Usage option as Checklist for the representative to appear in the Journeys task. During journey assignment, the individuals with the selected responsibilities are identified and designated as task performers or owners, regardless of the work contact's flag.

If offset days are configured for a task and if there are multiple concurrent active assignments, the performer or owner will always be the Line Manager or AoR of the primary assignment of the worker.

Task Performer Task performer is the person who carries out the task. You can select one of these performers:
  • Worker: The journey assignee.
  • Line Manager: The line manager of the worker's primary assignment as of the reference evaluation date. This date is the task assignment date or the date that's derived after applying the offset days.
  • Areas of Responsibility (AoR):The person or group of persons who have a specific responsibility for the worker's primary assignment as of the reference evaluation date. This date is the task assignment date or the date derived after applying the offset days. The performer name displays the responsibility type name and not the name of the persons who have that area of responsibility.

    Let's say the worker and the performer derived based on AoR end up being the same person, and a journey task is assigned to the performer. Then, the task doesn't display in the Others Task section.

  • Initiator: The person who initiated the transaction which triggered the journey or the person who manually assigned the journey.
  • Specific user: The user who may or may not have a person record in the application. If this user is terminated, you need to manually assign all journey tasks to another active user. If the user doesn't have a person record associated with their user account, they can't be configured as the task performer on Redwood Journeys Template pages.

If you don't have access to a worker, but are a performer for the worker's task, you can see the task and its details in your My Tasks tab in Journeys. You can expand and view the details of the task. You can also access the task using the URL in the task notification page.

If you assign a task to multiple performers (AoR), the task is visible for all the performers and any one of them can act on it.

When an AoR is configured as a task performer and the AoR contains multiple members, action buttons aren't available in the email and bell notifications.

Additionally, if the task is marked done or not applicable by an AoR, then the name of the responsibility type is displayed and not the name of the person who completed the task.

Only performers can download the task .ics files to add to their calendar. The downloaded .ics file can be imported to most commonly used calendar applications. The .ics file includes a link to the task and takes the performer directly to the task page. You can’t modify the .ics file contents.

Task Owner A task owner plays these roles:
  • Acts as the main contact for a task. The task owner's information displays in the Contact Info section of the assigned task.
  • Receives notifications when a task is assigned, reassigned, completed, updated, or deleted (you need to enable the notification setting for task owner in the Notifications and Reminders tab when configuring a task).
  • Acts as the fall back task performer if the performer to whom the task is assigned isn't valid (if the performer of the task is the line manager or AoR who isn't available for the worker).
You can select one of these as the task owner:
  • Line Manager: The line manager of the worker's primary assignment as of the reference evaluation date. This date is the task assignment date or the date derived after applying the offset days.
  • Areas of Responsibility (AoR): The person or group of persons who have a specific responsibility for the worker's primary assignment as of the reference evaluation date. This date is the task assignment date or the date derived after applying the offset days. The performer name displays the responsibility type name and not the name of the person who has that area of responsibility.
  • Initiator: The person who initiated the original transaction which triggered the journey or the person who manually assigned the journey.
  • Specific user: The user who may or may not have a person record in the application. If this user is terminated, you need to manually assign all journey tasks to another active user. If the user doesn't have a person record associated with their user account, they can't be configured as the task owner on Redwood Journeys Template pages.
Here are a few points to consider:
  • In order for a task owner to be able to view or perform the task, you need to grant them the Access Journey by Worker duty role if you're using Journeys.
  • A task owner can't access a person's assigned journeys without the appropriate person security profile.
  • When you use HCM Data Loader or REST API to assign a journey through a user who doesn't have a person record, then nothing is shown in the Contacts Info section of the task if the task owner is an initiator. When such a task is assigned to new hires, the Contacts Info section appears blank.
Initiator An initiator is the person or user who performed the transaction that triggered the journey automatically or who manually assigned the journey.

When a task is assigned, the application evaluates if it can be assigned to the task performer. If the performer can't be determined, then the application evaluates if it can be assigned to the task owner, and if the task owner can't be determined, the application assigns the task to the task initiator.

For example, you have journey task whose performer is the Line Manager. When the journey gets assigned and the Line Manager isn't available for the worker, then the application checks who is the task owner at the task setup level. If you had set up the task owner as the AoR and the AoR also isn't available, then the journey task is assigned to the initiator who actually performed the specific transaction.

Contact The contact person for a journey. This actor can be configured as the Assignee Line Manager, Assignee AoR, Specific User, or a Free Form Text. You can have only one contact for each journey.

This actor isn't available for the Contextual, Guided, and Survey journey categories.