Add Eligibility Rules for Predefined Elements

If the country extension on the Manage Features by Country or Territory page is set to Payroll or Payroll Interface, you must add element eligibility records for predefined statutory deduction elements before you hire any workers.

Here's how you can search for the predefined elements:

  1. Go to the Elements task.

  2. Click Go to Task.

  3. Search for these predefined elements:

Country or Territory

Predefined Element

US, Canada, Mexico

US Taxation, CA Taxation, MX Taxation

Australia, India, Singapore

Statutory Deductions

Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman

Social Insurance




Aggregation Information


Tax and NI

Pensions Automatic Enrollment


Tax and Social Insurance Calculations


French Payroll Processing


There are no predefined elements that require eligibility rules for Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, or Hong Kong.

Here's how you can add eligibility rules:

  1. Click the element name to open the Element Summary page.

  2. Enter a date in the Effective As-of Date field.

    Use the start date of the element, which is 1/1/1901.

  3. Enter a name for the eligibility rule and click Submit. Since you haven't selected any eligibility criteria, all employees are eligible for the element.

  4. Click Done.