Create a Net-to-Gross Earnings Element

This example demonstrates how to create a net-to-gross (gross-up) earnings element when an organization wants to pay a person a specific net amount on a bonus.

Before you create your earnings element, you may want to consider these decisions:

Decisions to Consider

In This Example

What is the primary classification of this earning?

Supplemental Earnings

Is the element recurring or nonrecurring?


Who is the bonus recipient?

Linda Swift

How much is the bonus?


What is the allowed difference between the specified bonus and the actual amount paid?


What is the calculation rule?

Flat amount

Create the Earnings Element

  1. On the Home page, click the Elements quick action under the My Client Groups tab.

  2. Click Create and then in the Create Element dialog box, select the values as shown in this table.



    Legislative Data Group


    Primary Classification

    Supplemental Earnings

    Secondary Classification




  3. Click Continue.

  4. On the Create Element: Basic Information page, select the values as shown in this table.

    Field or Question




    Reporting Name


    Effective Date


    Should every person eligible for the element automatically receive it?


    What is the earliest entry date for this element?

    First Standard Earning Date

    What is the latest entry date for the element?

    Last Standard Earning Date

    At which employment level should this element be attached?

    Assignment Level

    Does the element recur each payroll period, or does it require explicit entry?


    Process the element only once in each payroll period?


    Can a person have more than one entry of this element in a payroll period?


    Process and pay element separately or with other earnings elements?

    Process separately and pay separately

    Tax this earning across multiple pay periods?


    Prorate this earning across all periods during which it was earned, and consider it for FLSA calculations, such as for commissions, bonuses, incentives, and other nondiscretionary earnings?


  5. Click Next.

  6. On the Create Element: Additional Details page select the values shown in the table.

    Field or Question


    What is the calculation rule?

    Flat Amount


    The default value is Flat Amount. Do not change this value. All gross-up earnings must have a calculation rule of Flat Amount.

    What is the default periodicity of this element?


    Periodicity Conversion Rule

    Periodic Work Schedule Rate Annualized

    How do you want the work units to be reported?


    Is this element subject to retroactive changes?


    Use this element to calculate a gross amount from a specified net amount?


    Should this element be included in the earnings calculation of the FLSA overtime base rate?


    Should this element be included in the hours calculation of the FLSA overtime base rate?


  7. Click Next.

  8. Click Submit.

  9. In the Element Overview pane, select and review each input value, as shown in the table.

    Input Value


    Pay Value

    The gross pay value to be processed in the payroll run, entered by the iterative formula when it completes gross-up calculations.


    The user-entered flat amount, which provides the iterative formula with the desired net pay.

    Low Gross

    Used by the iterative formula to hold the lower gross pay guess, which feeds into the next iteration of the formula.

    High Gross

    Used by the iterative formula to hold the higher gross pay guess, which feeds into the next iteration of the formula.


    The amount by which the additional pay to be paid by the employer (gross minus desired net) differs from the total of the balances that are eligible for net-to-gross processing. This amount is returned by the iterative formula.

    To Within

    The amount by which actual net can differ from desired net after normal processing. This amount must not be zero but can be a nominal amount such as 0.01.

    Additional Amount

    The amount to add to the desired net to calculate gross pay. This amount is returned by the iterative formula.


    Not all input values are visible by default.

Create Eligibility Rules

  1. In the Element Overview pane, click Element Eligibility.

  2. Select Create Element Eligibility from the Actions menu.

  3. In the Element Eligibility Name field, enter Bonus.

  4. Click Save.

Review Iterative Processing Order

  1. In the Element Overview pane, click Bonus.

  2. In the Advanced Rules section, review the iterative order.


    The default value is 1000. If you have more than one iterative element that may be processed in the same payroll flow, it's important to adjust the iterative order to indicate which should be processed first. Iterative order must be in the reverse sequence of the processing priority numbers. The element with the lowest iterative priority number is reduced first.

Include Balances in the Net-to-Gross Processing

Perform the following steps to include balances:

  1. In the Element Overview pane, click Balance Feeds.

  2. Review the balances to which the bonus contributes.

  3. In the Element Overview pane, click Gross Balance Exclusions.

  4. Add any balances that have been set to exclude by default if you want to include it on this specific earnings.

  5. Click Submit.

Create an Element Entry

In this example, create the element entry for the bonus for Linda Swift.

  1. On the Search page, search and select Swift, Linda.

  2. In the Name field, enter Swift, Linda.

  3. In the Legislative Data Group field, select LDG1.

  4. In the Effective As-of Date field, enter 01/01/2013.

  5. Click Search.

  6. In the Search Results, select Linda Swift.

  7. Click Create.

  8. In the Effective Date field, enter 01/01/2013.

  9. In the Element Name field, select Bonus.

  10. In the Assignment field, select E1026.

  11. Click Continue.

  12. In the Net Value field, enter 1000.00.

  13. In the To Within field, enter .05.

  14. Click Submit.